I've been wondering this for a while, but I think I should finally ask...
I'm in the market for a color tama, but I can't find any reasonable deals within my budget. (~$50) I've been looking for an ON/Meets, and most deals I find on eBay are, well, it's eBay. Scalpers. Scalpers everywhere. I've also taken a crack at Mercari and Yahoo Auctions too, but neither seem to be in a good spot either. (Often times even more expensive, wow!) The best deal I found was for a used Rainbow Meets at $60 that according to its description (with my little Japanese knowledge and translation tools) it is used, has "some scratches and dirt" and apparently ranks B on the Mercari condition scale. I want to try and do M!xing Meets, but maybe I should just buy a Uni if I want online connectivity... But there's one thing holding me back. I heard that when your Uni Tama grows up, it asks to move away if it hasn't already been married off. I don't really want to part with my tamas, and I don't want my Uni being constantly depressed because I won't let it go. I've also weighed the idea of getting an iDL or a 4U+, but those seem expensive too. Perhaps the Pix? Please, I need some help.
Also side note, I'm going to write Bandai a fan letter regarding Tamagotchi, because I have a feature idea that I think would be cool! So after your tamas get married, they just disappear and just have their data in a log, right? Well, what if you could invite your newly-wed tama to keep living in your town? (I repeat, INVITE, I don't think you should be forced into keeping them) I think a housing system that would let you visit your tama and invite them for playdates would be nice! Especially if M!x functions get readded, then you would have the whole family together! Also seeing your old tamas in minigames and in TamaTown would be pretty cool! Okay I've held you long enough please help me byebye
Edit: I also might be okay with a connection rerelease but I kinda want a newer one cuz my current Torevetchi (being a licensed nano) lacks content and thats what I want to avoid