Atchi (あっち) is a male Tamagotchi character based on Atsuhiko Nakata from Oriental Radio, a Japanese comedy duo. Together with Shingotchi, the two form Orirajitchi which is the name of their comedy duo act.
Name Origin[]
Atchi's name is a shortened form of Atsuhiko.
Atchi has a red body and pear shaped head. He has a mohawk and small, short beard.
In the Anime[]
Tamagotchi:The Movie[]
Atchi can be seen with Shingotchi in a few scenes. During the egg chase scene, Shingotchi asks Atchi for a funny pose to do for their next performance. Later on, their performance is interrupted by Reportchi's breaking news of Tamagotchi Planet having a cold. At the end of the movie, the two are dancing in the parade for Gotchi King's birthday.