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The baby stage, also known as the first Babytchi stage (ベビーっち bebītchi) in vintage Japanese media, is the beginning of the Tamagotchi's life, after hatching from its egg. Under normal circumstances, it will evolve into the child stage.

On original models, the tamagotchis gender was unisex for the baby stage, though starting from the Tamagotchi Connection, there are 2 separate characters for male and female.


Upon hatching, all of a baby’s Hungry and Happy hearts will be empty (except for the Tamagotchi Smart, where the Happiness meter starts midway), and these will rapidly deplete during this stage. The baby will also poop, take a 5-minute nap, and fall ill. In the Tamagotchi Connection era where training is available, it will also call for training by crying and requiring praise. After one hour, the baby will evolve into the Child Stage.

In most vintage releases, babies cannot gain weight and usually remain at 5 lb. Exceptions to this rule exist in the Angel and the Mesutchi and Osutchi - in the former, weight is replaced with Angel Power, and in the latter babies from the second generation onward can gain and lose weight.

On the Morino, from the second generation onwards on Mesutchi and Osutchi, in Tamagotchi Mini and most Tamagotchi Nano releases, the Baby Stage lasts for 24 hours. To accommodate this longer duration, babies on these devices are much less needy than others, making their care requirements similar to other stages.

From the Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 until the release of Version 5 and Music Star, the baby would appear on the screen after their parents leave (and also initially in Music Star), and its lifespan would not begin until the user names it. This feature can also be used to ‘pause’ the game because time in the device continues to run during this animation.


Under normal circumstances, death cannot occur during this stage; even if a baby suffers extreme neglect, it will evolve into the Child Stage before neglect could result in death.

On classic Tamagotchi's, users could deliberately invoke death by continuously feeding snacks to the baby. Additionally, on the Morino, Mesutchi/Osutchi, (including factors such as predators on former models and evolution to Debutchi on latter models), Nanos and Minis where the Baby Stage can last for 24 hours, babies have an opportunity to die from neglect.

Babies from Marriage[]

Once an adult marries and has children, there will be a period of time in which the player will raise both parent and child. In the time, the baby could poop and get ill, but the adult does all of the baby's feeding. If the adult dies, the baby will die with them.

On the Mesutchi and Osutchi, babies resulting from marriage would stay in this stage for one full day, and evolve into the child stage the following day. What baby is born from the parents correlates directly to the TMP level of the two parents; two parents of the same TMP level would result in a baby with a higher TMP level, while two parents of different TMP levels would result in a baby with a lower TMP level.

From the Tamagotchi Connection until the Version 5, the baby character will live with the adult for a minimum of 24 hours, and babies born via connection will be the same gender. After the 24 hours, the parent would leave the following midnight, and the user could name the new baby once it awoke in the morning. Unlike the Mesutchi and Osutchi, the new baby will act exactly like one from the first generation and evolve in one hour.

On the Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus and Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus, there are two babies for each of the three families, and the baby resulting from marriage is determined by the family of the two adults. This was carried over to the Version 5 and its variations.

From the Version 5 onward, the baby's life begins immediately after the adult of the previous generations marries, with the Tamagotchi Music Star being the sole exception.

In Tamagotchi On, the parent is also shown living with the My Tama babies after they're born (or both parents if married to an in-game NPC) until they enter Child Stage. However, this is purely aesthetic, as it merely adds the parents into the animations so it looks like the parents are doing the feeding and playing.

Special Babies[]

Certain baby characters can only be born under certain conditions, while regular babies born under special circumstances can evolve into special characters.

Tamagotchi Terminology
General Functions CareHealth meterMeal (Rice) • SnackTrainingPooC-click reaction (Close Up) • ShopNotebook
Growth Egg Stage (Cocoon) • Baby stageChild stage (Young Forms) • Adult stage (Personality stage) • Post-adult stageSicknessDeathTamagotchi Life CycleGeneration (First Generation) • EvolutionTamagotchi Family
Other Features BondingTamacomBumpMarriageGotchi PointsSkill PointsJewelryM!xingTamagotchi PowerTamaTomoColor Changing FoodsColor Genetics and Combinations
Species Tamagotchi (Subspecies) • GaiatchiHumansPredatorTama PetTamagotchi Comrades
Tamagotchi Lore TamagotchimojiTamagotchi Vehicles (UFO)
Tamagotchi Device BatteriesDebug (Tamagotchi Programming)ROM Testing