This is a list of all pages who have toys modeled after.
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All items (34)
- Tama Cafe Cooking! Kururin Shake Maker
- Tama Heart Collection Tama Profy
- Tama Keshi
- Tama Profile
- Tama Profy
- TamaCafe
- Tamagotchi Digital Pocket
- Tamagotchi Lets TV! Play Tamagotchi Resort
- Tamagotchi Mame Game De Hakken
- Tamagotchi no Fureai Furendo Chamametchi
- Tamagotchi no Oshaberi Furendo Nakayoshi Lovelin
- Tamagotchi Restaurant (Toy)
- Tamagotchi School (location)
- Tamamo Letter
- Tamatomo Camera Pashalin
- TamaTomo PC