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Tamagotchi Wiki

The Chibipatchis (ちびぱっち Chibipatchi) are twin brothers from the Kuchipa Family, and Kuchipatchi's younger siblings. They are often the main priority of their parents, Papapatchi and Mamapatchi. They appear on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 5.

They are also secondary main characters in the Sorette Kuchipatchi franchise.

Name Origin[]

"Chibi" is Japanese for small. "Patchi" comes from Kuchipatchi's name.


The Chibipatchis resemble Kuchipatchi, but they are smaller and rounder, with their beaks resembling that of Dorotchi and Young Dorotchi. Their skin is lighter shade of green and they have yellowish-green cheeks. They each wear diapers. One has three strands of hair on his head and the other only has one.


The Chibipatchis are curious and a bit mischievous. They are just beginning to walk, but they are bursting with energy. In the Tamagotchi! anime, they sometimes argue or fight with each other. Sometimes they switch places and they only seem to speak in gibberish.

On Virtual Pets[]

Tamagotchi Connection Version 5[]

The Chibipatchis can only be obtained with the Kuchipa Family. To obtain a Kuchipa Family, Kuchipatchi must marry a Yonepatchi after he's raised to 100% bonding. They will evolve into Papapatchi and Mamapatchi, and their children become Kuchipatchi and Chibipatchi. The Chibipatchis don't evolve.

Tamagotchi P's[]

The Chibipatchis appear as raisable characters accompanying Gourmet Patchi King, a variant of Kuchipatchi exclusive to the Royal Change pierce on the Tamagotchi P's.

Tamagotchi Smart[]

The Chibipatchis appear on a clock face exclusive to the Gourmet Friends TamaSma Card.

Tamagotchi Uni[]

The Chibipatchis appear as raisable characters as part of Piggypatchis, a variant of Kuchipatchi exclusive to the Fairy Tale Library Tama Portal location on the Tamagotchi Uni.

In the Anime[]

Tamagotchi: The Movie[]

The Chibipatchis are minor background characters. They appear in the beginning of the movie when Kuchipatchi waves goodbye to them when going to school.

Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe![]

The Chibipatchis are minor characters that are seen with Kuchipatchi's family when they visit Celebria.


The Chibipatchis are minor characters who appear whenever Kuchipatchi's family is seen.

The Chibipatchis have a main role in "Ta! Chi! Chibipatchi, Kuchipatchi, Papapatchi" where they are looked after by Kuchipatchi and Papapatchi after Mamapatchi leaves to do errands. They end up creating a mess in the house and running away in the forest when Kuchipatchi and Papapatchi take them on a stroll outside. They eventually run into Beartchi and are rescued by Kuchipatchi who gets chased by Beartchi. The chase ends with everyone falling into a hot spring and Beartchi relaxing and giving the twins their toy back.

In Animated Media[]

Tamagotchi Official Shorts[]

The Chibipatchis appear in "No More Diapers!" when a Kuchipatchi on the Tamagotchi Uni is changing their diapers. Later on, they laugh at him for wearing a diaper his owner gave him and this causes Kuchipatchi to throw the diaper away and poo on the floor to their owner's annoyance.

Other Forms[]

Gourmet Patchi King[]


Gourmet Patchi King is a transformation exclusive to the Royal Change pierce on the Tamagotchi P's. The Chibipatchis carry steamed buns and accompany Kuchipatchi who is dressed as an emperor.



Piggypatchis is a transformation exclusive to the Fairy Tale Library Tama Portal location on the Tamagotchi Uni. Kuchipatchi and the Chibipatchis are dressed as the titular pigs from The Three Little Pigs fable. Kuchipatchi wears red overalls while the Chibipatchis wear yellow and blue overalls.



Mamapatchi transparent
Main article: Mamapatchi

Mamapatchi is the Chibipatchi's mother who often looks after them. She forgot to give them a name at birth which is why they don't have separate names.


Papapatchi transparent
Main article: Papapatchi

Papapatchi is the Chibipatchi's father who also looks them, though he tends to struggle to keep up with them without Mamapatchi.


Main article: Kuchipatchi

Kuchipatchi is the Chibipatchi's older brother. He cares for them and sometimes keeps watch over them.


Onsenmoguratchi blue
Main article: Onsenmoguratchi

Onsenmoguratchi is the Patchi Family's pet in Tamagotchi Connection Version 5.


Modern Artwork[]

Sorette, Kuchipatchi.[]

Anime Artwork[]


Animated Media[]




  • Although the Chibipatchis are two characters, they're called "Chibipatchi" on the Tamagotchi V5, which is singular.
  • In the Tamagotchi Corner Shop series, the Chibipatchis are counted as one customer. In the Japanese versions, they say "datchi", but in the English versions they say "babu" instead.
  • In the anime, one twin can only say "Da" or "Yah" and the other can only say "Tchi". This may be because of Kuchipatchi's catchphrase, "Datchi" or "yah-tchi". 
  • Before the Tamagotchi Version 5 released, Chibipatchi-like characters appeared on the box for a Tamagotchi board game. However, there were four of them, and they didn't have hairs on their heads.