Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Dotetchi (どてっち) is a teen Tamagotchi that appears exclusively on the Genjintch Tamagotchi.


Dotetchi resembles a gorilla.

On Virtual Pets[]

Genjintch Tamagotchi[]

Dotetchi evolves from Kuromarutchi with 0-2 care mistakes, or Ukitchi with no care mistakes and 100% evolution. After 3-4 days it will evolve into Genjintchi, Genjin Galtchi, or Hanitchi.

Name Origin[]

Dotetchi's name may be reference to "Dotechin", a gorilla from "Hajime Ningen Gyatoruzu", which is a Japanese comic strip about neanderthals.
