Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Anime TV de Hakken!! Tamagotchi[]

Tamagotchi Video Adventures[]

Tamagotchi: The Movie[]

Let's Go! Tamagotchi![]

Perfect in the Morning! Tamagotchi School[]

Mametchi's Surprising New Invention?![]

Team Battle! Mametchi VS Kuromametchi[]

Passion! Mametchi's Fan Club[]

Ms. Perfect's Birthday![]

Tamagotchi Original Animations[]

Helping in McDonalds![]

Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe![]


Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi! (Season 1)[]

Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi! (Season 2)[]

Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi! (Season 3)[]

Opening: Like & Peace![]

Opening: Kirakira Everyday[]

Ending: Tama-Friends Forever More[]

Ending: Moshimo☆Paradise[]

Ending: Happy Happy Harmony[]

Ending: Smiling![]

Ending: Prayer[]

Ending: Janken PON![]

Eye Catch[]

Season One[]

Get Ready! The Big Race on Tama Street[]

Where is Lovelitchi's House?[]

Go-Go! TAMAX-TV Tour[]

How Exciting! A Sudden Live Broadcast[]

Are You Serious? The Fastest Rainbow Sleigh Ever![]

The Lovelin Concert[]

Hurray! Tama-Friends Big Investigation[]

It's a Secret! Mametchi's Birthday[]

Listen! Lovelin's Confession[]

What? Swapping Personalities![]

Main article: MameChaMametchi

A Reality Show! The New Tama Challenge / Escaping From The Mysterious Island[]

Main Cast: Captain Mametchi

Watch Out! Anpan Detective is Here![]

Stop Right There! Thief Papillon![]

Main Cast: Anpan Detective

A Puzzling Love Message in a Bottle[]

Fly Away, Christmas Cards![]

Get Ready! A Christmas Costume Party![]

Go Go! Tama Adventure! / Looking For The Pumpkin Soup Lake[]

Beep Beep! Ready to Take Over Tamagotchi Planet![]

A Sparkling Debut! Lovelin's Skating Lessons[]

Chop! Gotchi Slices![]

Main Cast: Mametchi no Suke

The Power of Gossip![]

Kuromametchi Finds His Coolness[]

You Got Me! Octodogtchi's Secret![]

Let's Celebrate! Tama-Beans Festival[]

Chocolate! Chocolate! Who Will Get Lovelin's Chocolate?[]

Tama-Lucky Lottery[]

Ding Dong! You have a Visitor[]

Cheery Cherry Blossoms[]

Battle On! The Great Donut Contest![]

No Boys Allowed! The Princess Day Party[]

No Way! Mametchi Gets a Toothache[]

Gypsytchi's Fortune Telling[]

Kikitchi's Ninja Training[]

The Great Chocolate Scramble![]

Terrifying! Mametchi the Vampire[]

Main Cast: Mametchi Vampire

Gotchiman! Forever![]

Main Cast: MameGotchiman

Surprise! Tama-April-Fool's Day[]

A Love Panic Situation[]

Season Two[]

Is He a Myth? The Kuchipatchi of Truth[]

! Jungle Tamagotchi Planet[]

Super Heroine! Birth of Telelin![]

Telelin! To TAMAX-TV[]

Telelin! To Tamagotchi School[]

Bon! Bursting Fruitshake[]

Olé! Tama World Cup[]

There Too! Here Too! Mamametchi[]

Which One? Thief Papillon Again[]

Solved! Lovelin & Telelin's First Case[]

Train! Fight! Bargain Sale[]

Pow! A Squabble Between Siblings?[]

New Hero? Patchiman Datchi[]

Tah-Dah! Opposing Program Quiz Battle[]

Man of the Sea! Captain Gotchi Arrives[]

Tarararararan! Lovepapalitchi's Strange Menu[]

Pichipichi Island! Gotchi Battle[]

Work in a Shoptchi! Pichi[]

Shutata! Ninja Lovelin is Here[]

A Stay in GOTCHIMAN's Hometown[]

Lalulalu! Telelin is Lovelin? / Goodbye, Telelin[]

Summer! Everlasting Summer Island Nattsu![]

Lovelin! Marine Blue Legend[]

Chomp! The Research Project is Life-threatening[]

Hic! The Hiccups Will Not Stop[]

Rumbling! Thunder! Gankotchi[]

Chama! I Want to Fly in the Sky[]

Marine Blue! Treasure Hunt on Pirate Island[]

Dacchi! Giant Kuchipatchi VS Mecha Kuchipatch[]

Lovelin! Tama-Friend Rumor dawasa[]

Season Three[]

Happy! Shops at the School Festival / Terrible! The GOTCHIMAN and Hero Show[]

Tamagotchi Grand Prix! Fierce Race[]

Happy Birthday! Mametchi[]

Narikiri Challenge! A Prince and Tennis[]

Narikiri Challenge! Tea Ceremony! Great![]

All the Tama-Friends! Caroling[]

Let's Train to Be Ninjas! De Gozaru[]

Stealth! Heading Out! Princess Lovelin[]

Dogagan! Snowball Fight on Everlasting Winter Island![]

Kyu Kyu~! Invitation to Melody Land / Myu Myu~! The Melody Charm is Born[]

Kyu Kyu! Doremitchi is Lost / Teleletten! Melody Charm Miracle[]

Clash! Waiwai Hockey[]

Impossible! Class Without Mametchi[]

Cake and Chitchat! Mama Friend Club[]

Lazy Reasoning? Detective Anpan VS Melody Investigator[]

Lighthouse Moriritchi! The Last Light[]

Whoosh! A Gift from the Wind[]

Sister Lovelin! The Vampire's Bride[]

Season Four[]

Surprised! Peach Tree! Item Seeds[]

The Whole School! Tamamori![]

Very Good in the Tamamo Room![]

Hey, Come On! Flowertchi's Birthday[]

Bang! Invention! The Room Cleaner[]

Dream Co-star? Gotchiman vs Detective Anpan[]

Tamamori! Art Showdown[]

Rolling! Guriguritchi of Patchi Forest[]

Piko Piko Copy! Papamametchi[]

Don Transform! Henshin Jo / Unite! Three Hell Devil Sisters[]

Main Cast: Prince Mametchi

It's Summer! It's the Sea! It's Pichipitchi! Pichi[]

Season Five[]

Pashalin! Pictures of Memories[]

Hurry to Find Memories! Lovelin Car[]

Ohohoho! The Three Hell Devil Sisters Again[]

Wasshoi! TAMAX-TV Festival / Dodonto! Big Gathering of Popular Programs[]

Tropical Island! Summer Tamamori Business Trip[]

A Gift of Midsummer Snow[]

Summer! Enjoy Machine[]

Memetchi's Adventure Report: The • World[]

Falling Out? Three Hell Devil Sisters[]

Is This a Confession? Mystery Profile[]

Formation! Tama Profy[]

Season Six[]

Tomomi's TAMAX-TV Debut!?[]

Who Are You? Wake Up, Kizunatchi[]

Full of Mystery! Kizunatchi[]

Drama Special Gotchi Vampire Detective?[]

To The • Earth! Goodbye, Tomomi[]

Lovelin Shock! Manenetchi's Change of Heart?[]

Miracle White Christmas![]

Tomomi Decision! To the Earth[]

Gigakyun! Mysterious Transfer Student Himespetchi[]

Premonition Commotion!? Himespe Phone Fortune-Telling[]

Legend of Love-Love Power Spot[]

Slapstick Included! Detective Anpan[]

Big Fight!? Moriritchi vs Anemoriritchi[]

Melody Violin Loses its Sound[]

Melody Revived[]

"Tone Deaf" Mametchi and "Sing by Ear" Fortetchi[]

Right on Mark!? Telelin Mimics Fortune-Telling[]

Season Seven[]

Surprise Wedding Party![]

Rival Appears! Depressed Himespetchi[]

Make It Charming! Guruguru Haniwa Big Battle[]

Nahahaha! Mametchi's GOTCHIMAN Debut[]

Mama! Lost Child Fuwamokotchi[]

Mysterious Tama-Friends of Tamagotchi Village[]

Main article: Mamesaku

Spacey Panic Emergency!?[]

Let's Succeed! Golden Tama-Friend Shoot![]

Farewell, Tama-Friends! Spacytchi's Tearful Decision[]

The Mysterious Beginning of the Vanishing Tama-Hearts[]

Fashion! The Best? Eggs of Style[]

Shock! The Eggification Doesn't Stop[]

Tamagotchi Planet's Pinch! Can Kizunatchi Save It!?[]

The Power of the Bond[]

Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream[]

Opening: Doremi Fosairo[]

Ending: Powerful Beat[]

Eye Catch[]

Season One[]

Appearance! Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi[]

Eh!? We Have Transformed Into Idols!?[]

Surprise! Himespetchi Has Arrived Too![]

Save the pinch! Yume Kira Bag![]

Overcoming Math? Yume Kira pâtissière[]

Kiraritchi's little sister is a runaway artist!?[]

Love Explosion! Courtship dance of passion[]

Kuchipatchi's Chūkaman hardball[]

Queen of tears vs Yume Kira Comedians[]

Tamatomo Reunion! Coming Home to Tamagotchi Town[]

Yume Kira impression! D2 are fast approaching!![]

Ikemen pâtissier's sweet distress[]

Feelings reach! Christmas Basket[]

Christmas-kyan! Fluffy Yumecantchi[]

Aim for Circus Debut! Transfer Student Majokkotchi[]

The Search for the Stray! Dream Town Pursuit![]

Circus Debut of Friendship, Laughter, and Tears![]

Fight Truly! Robot Battles of Tea Set![]

Lonely Mametchi[]

Pororon ♪ Pianitchi's Arrival![]

Ikaritchi's Truth[]

Attention Please! School Battle of the Escape[]

Let's Discover! Tama Costume Festival![]

I'll Carve Out! Beat of the Soul[]

Season Two[]

A Huge Monster!? Reclaim the Garage![]

A Great Nemesis! The Queen of Chocolates[]

We'll Meet Again, Himespetchi[]

Makeup of Love~♪ The Transfer Student, Coffretchi~♪[]

Scoop! Cheating Suspicions About Mr. C!?[]

Big Labyrinth! Yumemitchi's Princess House!![]

High Spirited Ghosts? Summer Beach Live![]

Icy Confrontation? Fiery Battle of the Robot Department![]

Tamagotchi! Miracle Friends[]


Ending: Itsuka Itsuka[]

Eye Catch[]

Mystery. Miracle. Time Slip!?[]

Full of Mystery!? X Kamen vs Miracrise![]

Comrades to Believe in...Miracle Friends![]

Restored! Madamtchi's Sewing Machine[]

Doya! Tamaween Tumult[]

Welcome Back Yume Kira! Revival ☆ Kira Kira Girls[]

Dokidoki Bakubaku? Watchlin's Big Adventure![]

Search! Jungle of Baku~!?[]

The Dream of a Tama-Friend is the Dream of Everyone[]

Smartotchi's Decision[]

Miracle of Dreambakutchi[]

Everyone's Dream...to the Future[]

GO-GO Tamagotchi![]

Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi (1)[]

Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi (2)[]

Ending: RAINBOW[]

Ending: Baby I[]

Eye Catch[]

Season One[]

Tamagottsun ♥ Big Meeting!?[]

Formation! DoriTama School[]

New Entering Members are from the Future!?[]

Mametchi Director of Everyone[]

Co-Star of Dream ☆ Lovelin & Yume Kira!![]

Gigakyun ♥ Neenekyun ♥ Love Stories of Two[]

Guruguru Battle! Memetchi vs Makiko... Again!![]


Wishes Come True? Rumor of Moshimo Mountain[]

Dokidoki! Exchange Sleepover[]

Bizarre!? DoriTama School's Labyrinth[]

My Turn! DoriTama Eleven[]

Mystery's Request? ●△■! Customer of the Invention Department[]

Morimori? Kirakira? Gottsun Family[]

Chama is Already Ready~![]

Idol Graduation?! Lovelin and hitomitchi[]

Dokidoki! Audition Soon[]

Aim! Star of Idols[]

Fierce Fight! World Tama Cup[]

How to Make it? Lunchtime Tomorrow[]

Shock! King Spacy Reigning[]

Princess Training in Girl Power Up ♥[]

Tonight, Everyone is a Zo-zombie[]

Summer Vacation! Orenetchi's Homework Strategy[]

Welcome to the Marche![]

A Miraculous Effort! Lovely Fire[]

Assemble! Ghost Busters[]

Who's the Champion!? Comedy Contest[]

Escape Event! House of Thief Papillon[]

Cooking Unit's Challenge! New Children's Lunch[]

Season Two[]

A Dream Realized! The Gotchiman Fans' Meeting![]

Spirited Away in the Fruits Garden!?[]

Shining Smiles! Happy Tamaween[]

Mofumofutchi, to Space[]

Tamagotchi Space Grand Prix[]

Gigakyun! Neenekyun! Big Gottsun!?[]

To the Earth! Big Christmas Adventure[]

Christmas Miracle[]

A New Club? MPC??[]

Who is Lovelin's Partner?[]

Fight! ESP Academy[]

Another Anniversary[]

Please Be My Sister[]

Sweets Shock! Wagassiertchi[]

Popular? Heart Beat♥ Valentine[]

Dream Makeup High Society Debut[]

Trying Out For the Band![]

Which Future? Memetchi's Determination[]

Mametchi Family's Supper[]

The Main Character Has Changed?! GOTCHIMAN[]

How Do You Do? Tamagotchi[]

Tamagotchi Planet's Tears[]

When Tamagottsun Ends[]

Laughing, Laughing, Another Gottsun![]

Tamagotchi! Tamatomo Daishuu GO[]

Opening: GO-GO! Tamagotchi![]

Epilogue ending[]

Eiga Tamagotchi: Himitsu no Otodoke Dai Sakusen![]

