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Wagassiertchi sweets contest

Great Fierce Battle! Sweets Contest of Bitterness!? (大激戦! スイーツコンテストは甘くない!? Daigekisen! Suītsu kontesuto ha amakunai!?) is episode 31 of Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream and episode 174 of the entire Tamagotchi! anime. The episode was written by Fudeyasu Kazuyuki. 


The episode begins with Patitchi helping Cafe Mama at theMusic Café. Cafe Mama is busy setting up a poster for Wagassiertchi's Sweets Contest. When she finishes, Patitchi notices and asks her about it. Cafe Mama explains that Wagassiertchi is hosting a sweets contest, where applicants submit their best, homemade dessert food. The prize for the winner is a year-round pass for the Gourmet Palette.

Patitchi shares the news with her friends at Dream School the next day. Kuchipatchi immediately decides to join the Sweets Contest. Amakutchi and Crepetchi also hear about the Sweets Contest and they decide to enter as well. In a cluster of bushes near the cafeteria, Spaceytchi and his brothers are eavesdropping on the conversation. Spaceytchi hears about the year-round pass and decides he must obtain it, even though he doesn't know exactly what it's for.

Later that day, Patitchi, Amakutchi, Crepetchi, Kuchipatchi, and Spaceytchi start preparing for the contest. They all practice cooking and ponder about what to make for the contest. Patitchi decides she wants to make a gorgeous cake. Her sister Decoratchi advises her to go all out and make it as gorgeous as possible, and to decorate with her heart's desires. Patitchi finishes her cake, which is at least five layers tall, and extravagantly decorated with frosting, fruit, ribbons, candy, and cream. Her friends are in awe of her wondrous creation, and cheer her on for the Sweets Contest.

The next day, the Sweets Contest begins. There is a large stage and kitchen for the contestants, and Wagassiertchi is present to host the contest. He introduces each of the contestants, and announces the official start of the Sweets Contest.Each contestant quickly moves to their station and starts making their dish. Amakutchi starts whisking a pudding mixture. Kuchipatchi fries spring rolls over a stove. Crepetchi pours and cooks her crepe batter on a hot plate. Spaceytchi bakes some kind of mysterious dessert in an oven, which Wagassiertchi speculates is Shu Cream, but Spaceytchi insists that it isn't. Patitchi has already completed a huge, five-layer sponge cake, and is busy applying the frosting. Her dream school friends are all in the audience, cheering her on.

As the contestants work, the wind starts blowing. As Patitchi stands on a ladder to add cream to the top, the wind causes the frosting and decorations to miss the cake. She starts to lose her balance on the ladder, and the cake starts wobbling. Decoratchi calls her because she is worried, and Patitchi assures her that it will be alright. She tries again, but the wind causes the cream to miss the cake again, and Kuchipatchi stretches to catch it in his mouth. Kiraritchi and Yumemitchi realize that the wind might ruin Patitchi's cake. Decoratchi throws a tantrum, and Pianitchi's Mom tries to calm her down, but it doesn't work.

Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi decide to use their powers to help Pattitchi. They quickly run away to a hidden spot where they use their Yume Kira Bags to transform. After they transform, they are each wearing shirts and pants with aprons over them, and Kiraritchi is holding building blocks and Yumemitchi is holding origami paper. They both look at each in puzzlement, and Yumecantchi gives them the final item, a pirate hat. They rush back to wear Patitchi is. They give the pirate hat to Decoratchi, and dub her "Captain", and ask her what her orders are. Decoratchi cheers up, and she tells them to search for treasure. They find a special folded paper box which has many building blocks in it, and they start building with them. Patitchi sees what they are doing, and gets an idea. She abandons her large cake and starts doing something else with her ingredients.

Finally, the whistle blows, signaling the start of the judging period. First, Wagassiertchi's inspects Amakutchi's dish. She has made Sweet and Salty Pudding. Wagassiertchi compliments her on the unique contrast, and says that it's very good. Next, he tries Kuchipatchi's dish, which is Harumaki spring rolls. Wagassiertchi bites into one, and is surprised that there is ice cream inside. He is delighted by the combination, and compares it to a combination of fire and ice. Then Wagassiertchi inspects Crepetchi's dish. She has made a kind of crepe buffet, where you can create your own crepe from various sauces, jellies, toppings. Wagassiertchi prepares his crepe and tastes it, and gives Crepetchi a positive review. Then Wagassiertchi looks at Spaceytchi's dessert, which is a stack of cream puffs. He says it must be Shu Cream after all, but Spaceytchi once again denies this. Spaceytchi places a flag with an 'S' on top of the stack, and dubs it "Seifu Cream". Wagassiertchi tries it, notes the crispy and creamy contrast, and says it delicious.

Finally, he goes to Patitchi's station, and she hands him a small container made from folded paper. He asks what it is, and she requests that he open it to find out. He unfolds it, and inside is a single cupcake. Wagassiertchi tries it, and is amazed by the wonderful taste, and its simple but attractive design. Patitchi says that her sister Decoratchi and her two helpers inspired her to make it.  After tasting the dishes of all the contestants, Wagassiertchi is ready to announce the winner. He awards the title to the contestant who did not give up, even in the face of trouble, and found a perfect solution to her problem, Patitchi. Everyone applauds her, and Patitchi is overcome with joy. 

That evening, Patitchi walks home with her sister and friends. Suddenly, Wagassiertchi calls out to them, and runs up to meet them. He praises her cooking again, and says that her will to persist is commendable. Then he asks her if she would work at the Wagassierbon with him. Patitchi is surprised and happy, but then she wonders if she can since she is already working at the Music Café. Cafemama insists that Patitchi should go, because it is her dream to become a great patisserie. Patitchi thanks both Cafemama and Wagassiertchi, and agrees to work at the Wagassierbon. 




