Hidatchi (ひだっち) is a Tamagotchi character exclusive to the Tamagotchi Connection Version 3.
Hidatchi is light yellow with small black eyes and a wide mouth. Its head has brighter yellow fur all around it, with three large frills on either side.
On Virtual Pets[]
Tamagotchi Connection Version 3[]
Hidatchi is one of three possible adults that can appear on even generations when given above average (but not perfect) care, the other two being Bunbuntchi and Debatchi. Hidatchi's favorite food is chicken drumstick, and it dislikes is ice cream.
Name Origin[]
Hidatchi's name comes from the Japanese word "hida", which means creases or pleats. (Pleats are folds made in clothing by doubling the cloth or by folding it upon intself and stitching it in place). This probably refers to the frills on the side of its head.