Humans are a race of living beings who live on The Earth. They appear as tall beings, approximately three times the size of a Tamagotchi. The humans established in the Tamagotchi franchise are generally handy, intelligent, and very friendly with outworlders.
In the Tamagotchi universe, humans exist but are rarely seen at all. However, the Tamagotchis are aware of the presence of The Earth which is several galaxies away from Tamagotchi Planet. They've noted their planet as a friendly planetary neighbor and also noted humans are friendly as well. Generally, the Tamagotchis are highly curious of the humans, as much the humans are as well to the Tamagotchi.
In the early years of the franchise, the Tamagotchis apparently live in harmony with the humans together on The Earth. Humans sometimes adopt the Tamagotchi as their pets or companions. Sometimes humans even care for the entire population of the Tamagotchi living amongst them. In modern times, the harmony between humans and Tamagotchi was discontinued. However, both humans and Tamagotchis still retain their positive relationship for one another.
To date, 13 human characters have played notable roles throughout the Tamagotchi franchise, 4 male and 9 female.
Major Humans[]
- Mikachu (Vintage Era)
- Professor Banzo (Vintage Era)
- Senatchi (Tamagotchi All Stars Fortune-Telling BOOK & Osutchi・Mesutchi Breed Album: Love Love Observation Diary)
- The Boy (Manga de Hakken! Tamagotch 4 Koma Gekijou)
- Tanpopo (Tamagotchi: The Movie)
- Tomomi (Tamagotchi!)
- Yuka (Tamagotchi!)
- Yukine (GO-GO Tamagotchi!)
- Suzune (GO-GO Tamagotchi!)
- Santa Claus (GO-GO Tamagotchi!)
- Sakura (My First Tamagotchi)
- Yuna and Mai (Tamagotchi! Tamatomo Daishuu GO & Tamagotchi TV)
- Banzo and Mikachu were the first humans to travel to Tamagotchi Planet, doing so in Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi.
Tamagotchi Terminology | ||
General Functions | Care • Health meter • Meal (Rice) • Snack • Training • Poo • C-click reaction (Close Up) • Shop • Notebook | |
Growth | Egg Stage (Cocoon) • Baby stage • Child stage (Young Forms) • Adult stage (Personality stage) • Post-adult stage • Sickness • Death • Tamagotchi Life Cycle • Generation (First Generation) • Evolution • Tamagotchi Family | |
Other Features | Bonding • Tamacom • Bump • Marriage • Gotchi Points • Skill Points • Jewelry • M!xing • Tamagotchi Power • TamaTomo • Color Changing Foods • Color Genetics and Combinations | |
Species | Tamagotchi (Subspecies) • Gaiatchi • Humans • Predator • Tama Pet • Tamagotchi Comrades | |
Tamagotchi Lore | Tamagotchimoji • Tamagotchi Vehicles (UFO) | |
Tamagotchi Device | Batteries • Debug (Tamagotchi Programming) • ROM Testing |