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Make It Charming! Guruguru Haniwa Big Battle (つくってみせらぁ! ぐるぐるハニワ大作戦 Tsukutte miseraa! Guruguru haniwa dai sakusen) is the part one of episode 127 of Tamagotchi!.


Memetchi and Imotchi destroy the important "Guru-Guru Haniwa" during a fight. So they go to ask the haniwa craftsmen to repair it with Mametchi, but the craftsman Rokurotchi and his grandson Rokurokurotchi are fighting. The two fighting each other decide which one can make a splendid round and round haniwa ...


At night, Lovelitchi and Melodytchi ask Kizunatchi to go to sleep as it is late. As they turn off the lights, a shadowed figure is seen putting a letter in the TamaCafe's mailbox.

The next morning, Kizunatchi gets the mail and notices a letter with a heart stamp on it. In the living room, Lovelitchi, Melodytchi, Lovepapalitchi, and Lovemamalitchi are struggling to read the letter which is difficult to read due to it's bad handwriting. Kizunatchi recognizes the handwriting as Hatokamitchi and becomes excited that he's contacting her. However, the excitement turns into anxiety when Kizunatchi worries over not having collected enough Tama Hearts for him.

Lovelitchi, Melodytchi, and Kizunatchi head to Mametchi's house to ask him if they can help them collect more hearts. Mametchi simply responds that they'll probably come across more on their adventures and encourages them to work hard. Chamametchi then comes in the room to tell Mametchi that Memetchi and Imotchi came to see him. Down in the living room, Memetchi and Imotchi are upset and explain their problem: they had broken Memepapatchi's "Guru-guru Haniwa" during an argument and need Mametchi's help to fix it in a way that he can't tell it was broken in the first place. If Memepapatchi finds out that it was broken, the both of them would be in big trouble.

Mametchi is unsure of how to fix the clay figure, but fortunately, Telelin remembers a haniwa craftsman that Lovelitchi had met during her work. She suggests that they ask Rokurotchi to repair it and the group agrees on this plan. Kizunatchi is initially hesitant to help as she wants to collect more Tama Hearts instead, but after Memetchi and Imotchi beg for her help she relents.

Everyone plus Kuchipatchi and Himespetchi ride the Lovelin Car to Rokurotchi's house up in the mountains. As they approach the door, a loud crash is heard and Rokurotchi is seen being in a heated argument with his grandson, Rokurokurotchi. Mametchi gets their attention and brings the broken clay figure to them. Rokurotchi says that he can't repair the figure without it being it obvious that it was repaired. Rokurokurotchi suggests that he create a copy of the figure instead, but Rokurotchi complains that Rokurokurotchi won't use the right techniques to do it and that it won't be perfect. After continued arguing, the two decide to work on their own copy of the figure and the Tama-friends can use the better looking one.

As the two work on their clay figure, they constantly argue over the different techniques they are using, believing the other's to be inferior. When they finish their figures, Mametchi notes that they can't use them because they aren't close enough copies to the original haniwa. Rokurotchi's figure is too fat and Rokurokurotchi's spirals are too long. The two are apologetic for getting it wrong, but soon blame each other for the flawed figures. Kizunatchi eventually yells at them to stop fighting and tells them to work together on one clay figure so they can avoid making the same mistakes again. The two unwillingly agree and get to work on creating it.

After they finish molding it, they take the haniwa outside to fire it in a kiln. They diligently keep watch over the haniwa while it bakes and take it out when it's done. The figure is a perfect copy of the original haniwa to everyone's delight. Suddenly, Memepapatchi approaches the haniwa figure and complements the craftsmen's work on it. The group is shocked to see him there and he explains that he followed them wondering where Memetchi and Imotchi had gone. Memetchi and Imotchi confess that they broke his haniwa and he responds that he would've asked them to come to Rokurotchi to fix it anyway. Realizing that they had successfully worked together without fighting about it, Rokurotchi and his grandson cheer and hug. A Mysterious Plate then appears above their house and the Earth Tama Heart pops out from it. Lovelitchi and Melodytchi collect the heart in their Tama Profys and Kizunatchi is pleased achieve her goal of getting more hearts.

The next day, Mametchi comes over to TamaCafe to research Tama Hearts with Lovelitchi and Melodytchi. Denshohatotchi suddenly appears between them to give them a letter from Hatokamitchi. Kizunatchi reads the letter and learns that Hatokamitchi had visited Tamagotchi Town to get donuts from the Tamagotchi Department Store.






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Title in Other Languages[]

Language Name Translated
Japanese つくってみせらぁ! ぐるぐるハニワ大作戦 Make It Charming! Guruguru Haniwa Big Battle

Tamagotchi! Episodes
List of Tamagotchi! Episodes
Season 1 1234A/4B5A/5B6A/6B7A/7B89A/9B10A/10B11A/11B


Season 2 26A/26B27A/27B28A/28B29A/29B30A/30B31A/31B32A/32B33A/33B34A/34B35A/35B


Season 3 49A/49B50A/50B51A/51B52A/52B5354A/54B55A/55B56A/56B57A/57B58A/58B59A/59B60A/60B


Season 4 74A/74B75A/75B76A/76B77A/77B78A/78B79A/79B80A/80B81A/81B8283A/83B8485A/85B
Season 5 86A/86B87A/87B88A/88B8990A/90B91A/91B92A/92B93A/93B94A/94B95969798
Season 6 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122
Season 7 123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143