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Tamagotchi Wiki

Mamesunnytchi (まめたいようっち Mametaiyōtchi) is Mametchi's personal artificial life sun that he made in the first Tamagotchi feature film, Tamagotchi The Movie.


Mamesunnytchi is identical to Sunnytchi, but boasts a significantly smaller size, eye highlights and a slightly more orange tint.


Mamesunnytchi is shown to be very loyal to Mametchi, sticking by his side throughout the movie and supporting him when he is upset. Like Sunnytchi, Mamesunnytchi likes the Hot Springs in Patchi Forest.

Mamesunnytchi can only say two or more onomatopoeia words everytime he talks, "twinkle, twinkle, (twinkle)". In the Japanese version, this is "kirakirari" (きらきらり).

In the Anime[]

Tamagotchi: the Movie[]

Mametchi created Mamesunnytchi to help him overcome his fear of the dark. When Sunnytchi later disappeared, Mametchi mistakenly believed it was because of his creation of Mamesunnytchi. After Sunnytchi returns and Mametchi overcomes his fear of the dark, Mamesunnytchi moves to the Patchi Forest, and is seen in the credits relaxing with Sunnytchi in the hot springs.

Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe![]

Mamesunnytchi makes a brief cameo in the Patchi Forest.

Name Origin[]

Mamesunnytchi's name comes from Mame and sunny, as Mametchi is his original creator, and Sunnytchi is who he is created to resemble. Also, "Mametaiyōtchi" comes from Sunnytchi's Japanese name, Taiyōtchi. (太陽 taiyō means sun.)




  • Mamesunnytchi's only appearance outside of the anime is in the 2024 Earth Day artwork, appearing on Bigsmile's sign next to the words "BIG SMILE".