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Melody Revived (よみがえったメロディ Yomigaetta merodi) is episode 120 of the Tamagotchi! anime. It features the full debut of My Friend, the soul of Melodytchi's violin along with Smile For Tomorrow, a song that Melodytchi writes.

It was later rebroadcast as the 20th Tamagotchi! Tamatomo Daishuu GO episode on the 13th of August, 2015.


The Tama Friends come to Musica Forest in search of clues to regain the sound of the Melody violin. In the woods, Melodytchi meets a mysterious little girl. Worried about about her safety, she keeps her company. Meanwhile, the Tama Friends look for Melodytchi who has disappeared into the woods chasing after the girl. Can Melodytchi really find the sound of the melody violin? [1]



Melodytchi catches up to the mysterious character she was chasing and pulls her out of another bright light. She tells the shy character her name, who doesn't say anything. Seeing that it's almost dark, they go into a small cave under a tree and sleep there for the night. The character still doesn't say anything to Melodytchi, but often stares at the Melody Violin. She then sleeps on Melodytchi's lap throughout the night. Melodytchi's friends aren't able to find her and decide to go to bed to search for her tomorrow after Himespetchi's Himespe Phone suggests Melodytchi will be fine on her own.


Everyone but Mametchi and Lovelitchi goes to sleep on the upper floor of the house. Mametchi goes up to Lovelitchi who is drawing a picture of Melodytchi in a book Melodytchi looked at earlier. Lovelitchi expresses how she thinks Melodytchi is cool and hopes that she can reconnect with her violin. Early next morning, everyone is well rested except for Himespetchi who had spent half the night watching Mametchi sleep. The friends go outside to look for Himespetchi and Kuchipatchi brings a giant bag of food so Melodytchi can eat when they find her.


Melodytchi and the unnamed character go out and explore Musical Forest, trying to find the way back to the same house. Along the way, the two play around in the forest and become closer. Melodytchi begins humming Happy Heart and the character finishes humming the rest of the song. Melodytchi is surprised that they know the song since that should have been the first time they've heard it. Meanwhile, the Tama-friends continue their search of Melodytchi. Himespetchi consults her phone again and it tells her to take a path leading back to the house, confusing the group.


When they get to the small house, Melodytchi asks if the character would like some sweets and they respond by shaking their head. Melodytchi then says, "I know what you want." and goes up to the stage and plays her violin. The character's expression turns sad and she starts walking away. Melodytchi tells her to wait and says that she knows that she is My Friend. She says she does not understand what is going on, but tells her that she loves her violin very much and wants to know why it is not making any more music. My Friend then runs to Melodytchi, and Melodytchi runs to her as well and they hug. My Friend says that Melodytchi loves her Tama-Friends more than her. She was afraid that she became a nuisance to Melodytchi, because she cannot grow up every day with her, saying that she keeps leaving her behind. Melodytchi then remembers leaving her on her bed to play with her friends. She says sorry, but tells her she takes care of her violin, that she doesn't want it to get damaged, saying that its so close to her heart. My Friend says she is sorry for misunderstanding Melodytchi, and Melodytchi says its alright.


Suddenly My Friend starts to glow and stands back, before evolving into an adult. Melodytchi says she looks so cute and My Friend thanks Melodytchi. She then suddenly disappears in a flash of light and Melodytchi notices her violin is now glowing as well. The Melody Violin turns white and gains an extra heart decoration. Melodytchi smiles and picks up her violin to play her new song to thank My Friend, Smile For Tomorrow. The Tama-friends hear the music and find Melodytchi at the stage. When she finishes, Melodytchi explains what happened to them and her friends are amazed. A mysterious plate then appears in the stage and the Music Tama Heart pops out and goes into Lovelitchi and Melodytchi's Tama Profys. Melodytchi looks at her violin and promises My Friend they will stay close forever.




Featured Songs[]


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Title In Other Languages[]

Region Name Translated
Japanese よみがえったメロディ Melody Revived


  • Various clues foreshadow My Friend being the soul of Melodytchi's violin:
    • She does not drink water when Melodytchi invites her to do so and is not hungry after a full day of not eating.
    • She is able to hum the rest of Happy Heart despite only hearing the first part.
    • She indicates to Melodytchi that her parents would not be worried about her missing.
  • Kuchipatchi's bag full of food is empty by the time the Tama-friends find Melodytchi, suggesting that he ate all of it while they were looking for her.


Tamagotchi! Episodes
List of Tamagotchi! Episodes
Season 1 1234A/4B5A/5B6A/6B7A/7B89A/9B10A/10B11A/11B


Season 2 26A/26B27A/27B28A/28B29A/29B30A/30B31A/31B32A/32B33A/33B34A/34B35A/35B


Season 3 49A/49B50A/50B51A/51B52A/52B5354A/54B55A/55B56A/56B57A/57B58A/58B59A/59B60A/60B


Season 4 74A/74B75A/75B76A/76B77A/77B78A/78B79A/79B80A/80B81A/81B8283A/83B8485A/85B
Season 5 86A/86B87A/87B88A/88B8990A/90B91A/91B92A/92B93A/93B94A/94B95969798
Season 6 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122
Season 7 123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143