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Melody Violin Loses its Sound (音をなくしたメロディバイオリン Oto wo nakushita merodi baiurin) is episode 119 of the Tamagotchi! anime.

It was later rebroadcast as the 19th Tamagotchi! Tamatomo Daishuu GO episode on the 6th of August, 2015.


One day, The Melody Violin loses it sound and Melodytchi becomes depressed. As Mametchi tries to cheer her up, he comes up with the idea of consulting the Queen of Melody Land to find out why the sound stopped. Can they regain the sound of the violin? [1]



The episode opens on Melodytchi performing various songs on her violin at a concert. After it ends, Melodytchi asks Classictchi what he thought and he replies that she's as talented with her violin as ever. The next day, Lovelitchi comes up to Melodytchi while she's wiping down her violin and tells her that they're going on an adventure. She leaves her violin on her bed and goes outside to join the rest of her friends in the Lovelin Bus.


When they return home at night, Lovelitchi asks Melodytchi to play a song for them before they go to sleep. Melodytchi plays her violin, but no sound is produced to her confusion. The scene changes to Tamagotchi School where Melodytchi explains the situation to her friends and asks Mametchi to fix her violin. When Mametchi isn't able to figure out what to do, Melodytchi becomes upset and sobs. Himespetchi then steps in and consults her Himespe Phone which tells her that they should go to where the violin came from. Melodytchi becomes excited to return to her hometown and the Tama-friends make the plane trip to Melody Land.


Once they arrive, Melodytchi reunites with her parents and everyone heads to Melody Land Castle to talk to Joou Sama. Kizunatchi introduces herself to her and Joou Sama takes interest in the Tama Profy which now contains the Melody Charms. Melodytchi hands her violin to Joou Sama and she looks over the violin and replies that she doesn't know what's wrong with it. She then suggests that Melodytchi go to Musical Forest as many musicians have gone there to find inspiration and connect with their instruments. Melodytchi agrees and takes her friends with her.


At the forest, Melodytchi hurries ahead and the Tama-friends note how important Melodytchi's violin is to her. When they catch up to her, they enjoy the forest's musical flora and animals, watching drum snails go by and making music with piano key shaped stones. Eventually, they arrive at a small house near a lake with a gazebo next to it. Melodytchi becomes determined and runs ahead to the gazebo to play her violin, but it still does not make any sound. Kuchipatchi's belly growl interrupts her playing and she suggests that they take a break and eat lunch inside the house.


As everyone eats sandwiches at a table, Mametchi notices a bookshelf and picks out a book. The book contains songs that musicians have written after they spent time being inspired by the forest. Melodytchi becomes determined again and decides to go outside so she can come up with a new song for her violin, telling everyone else to stay inside and enjoy their lunch. She returns to the gazebo and focuses, before noticing a small pink Tamagotchi watching her from afar. Melodytchi calls to her, but she runs away and Melodytchi chases after her. The Tama-friends come outside the house to see what's happening and follow after Melodytchi. However, they lose track of her as she runs deeper into the forest.






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Title In Other Languages[]

Region Name Translated
Japanese 音をなくしたメロディバイオリン Melody Violin Loses its Sound


Tamagotchi! Episodes
List of Tamagotchi! Episodes
Season 1 1234A/4B5A/5B6A/6B7A/7B89A/9B10A/10B11A/11B


Season 2 26A/26B27A/27B28A/28B29A/29B30A/30B31A/31B32A/32B33A/33B34A/34B35A/35B


Season 3 49A/49B50A/50B51A/51B52A/52B5354A/54B55A/55B56A/56B57A/57B58A/58B59A/59B60A/60B


Season 4 74A/74B75A/75B76A/76B77A/77B78A/78B79A/79B80A/80B81A/81B8283A/83B8485A/85B
Season 5 86A/86B87A/87B88A/88B8990A/90B91A/91B92A/92B93A/93B94A/94B95969798
Season 6 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122
Season 7 123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143