Mimidelivertchi is a male Tamagotchi character that is a NPC on the Tamagotchi Smart.
Name Origin[]
Mimidelivertchi comes from the Japanese word "Mimi", meaning ears, and the English word "Deliver", referring to his job.
Mimidelivertchi has a green body and blue head with two ears. He wears a black helmet that covers his ears and carries a food delivery box on his back. He can be seen riding a blue and pink bicycle when delivering food and usually gets off the bike to hand the food over to the customer.
Mimidelivertchi delivers "Tama Delivery" orders. He arrives immediately after ordering without going over the speed limit.
On Virtual Pets[]
Tamagotchi Smart[]
When the Tamagotchi orders food from the App Menu, Mimidelivertchi will appear at the Tamagotchi's house to deliver the food.
Tamagotchi Uni[]
Mimidelivertchi appears when the Tamagotchi orders food from their phone.