Mitsumarutchi (みつまるっち Mitsumarutchi), known as "Mitumarutchi" in Tamagotchi Uni, is a male child stage character that debuted on the Tamagotchi P's in Japan, and the Tamagotchi Friends internationally.
Name Origin[]
"Mitsu" (三つ) is a Japanese word used with counter words. (For example, 三つ角 mitsukado means "three corners") and "maru" means "circle". In Mitsumarutchi's case, his name means "three circles", describing the buttons on his tummy.
Mitsumarutchi has a round body. He is red and has three black circles which are on his tummy, resembling buttons. He has a yellow face and a pink beak, round black ears on top of his head, and short stick-like arms and legs.
A Tamagotchi with a calm and laid-back personality. He mainly wants to avoid doing anything unneccessary. Mitsumarutchi is also proud of the three circles on his stomach that are arranged in a beautiful balance.
On Virtual Pets[]
Tamagotchi P's[]
Mitsumarutchi is a child character who has a 50% chance of evolving from Aokumotchi. His teen evolution depends on his Personality. If he is trained with a Gourmet Personality, he will evolve into Maimaitchi. If he is trained with an Intelligence Personality, he will evolve into Cosmotchi. If he is trained with any other Personality, he will have a 50% chance of evolving into either teen.
Tamagotchi Friends[]
Mitsumarutchi randomly evolves from Aokumotchi. He evolves into Cosmotchi with perfect care, Maimaitchi with good care, or Bokuhoshitchi with average care or worse.
Tamagotchi Uni[]
Mitsumarutchi is obtained from Yooyutchi with happiness below 10 points. After 24 hours, he will evolve into either Kuriritchi (15-20 happiness points), Gunchitchi (6-14 happiness points), or Curltchi (0-5 happiness points). His hunger decreases by one every 45 minutes while his happiness decreases every 20 minutes. He goes to sleep at 8 PM.