Monapatchi (もんぱっち Monpatchi) is a male teen Tamagotchi character. He debuted on the Tamagotchi iD in Japan and on the TamaTown Tama-Go internationally.
Monapatchi looks like a yellow monkey with long arms. He has an orange snout and green hair that looks like leaves on his head. As seen in the artwork in the gallery, his hair turns brown and droops when he's sad.
On Virtual Pets[]
Tamagotchi iD[]
Monapatchi is obtained by giving four or more care misses to either male child (Mattaritchi or Hanepatchi).
TamaTown Tama-Go[]
Monapatchi appears as the worst care male teen. However, he can evolve into any adult, even the best care ones, with the right amount of care.
Modern Artwork[]
Anime Artwork[]
Reference from Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe!