Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Naviotchi and Navikotchi

(なびおっち なびこっち)

Naviotchi navikotchi
Genders and Appearances:

Naviotchi and Navikotchi (なびおっち なびこっち Nabiotchi Nabikotchi) are two adult characters who appear in Tamagotchi: Party On!. Naviotchi is male, and Navikotchi is female.


Naviotchi's and Navikotchi's bodies resemble megaphones.

Naviotchi has light blue skin, blue cheeks, dark round eyes, a pink beak, white arms, and round yellow feet. He wears a blue tuxedo and a red bow tie.

Navikotchi has light pink skin, pink cheeks, dark round eyes with eyelashes, a yellow beak, white arms, and yellow feet that resemble heels. She wears a red dress and a yellow ribbon with a flower around her neck.

Some of their official artwork seems to imply that their voices come out of the tops of their heads rather than their mouths.

In Tamagotchi Media[]

In Tamagotchi: Party On!, Naviotchi and Navikotchi serve as the player's guides. They appear at the beginning of a new game to explain the premise, and they also appear on various instructions screens throughout the game.

Name Origin[]

Navi (ナビ Nabi) most likely comes from the English word 'navigator' (ナビゲーター Nabigētā), as Naviotchi and Navikotchi have somewhat guide-like roles. The 'o' in Naviotchi's name is a male suffix, and the 'ko' in Navikotchi's name is a female suffix.
