Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Nokotchi (のこっち) is a female baby character that debuted on the Tamagotchi Plus Color and later in Tamatown Tama-Go. Her male counterpart is Kinotchi.


She resembles a mushroom, with a pink cap with yellow spots, and her face is light yellow with eyelashes and pink cheeks.

On Virtual Pets[]

Tamagotchi Plus Color / Hexagontchi[]

Nokotchi has a 50% chance of appearing when the toy starts or when two characters marry. She evolves into Sakuramotchi in odd generations, and Memepetchi in even generations. On the Plus Color, a Nokotchi born from Ojitchi and Otokitchi marrying will become Grippatchi. On the Hexagontchi, she evolves into Tensaikotchi Jr. instead.

TamaTown Tama-Go[]

Nokotchi has a 50% chance of appearing when the toy starts or when two characters marry. She can become either Belltchi or Hoshitchi. However, a Nokotchi born from Ojitchi and Otokitchi marrying between two Tama-Gos will become Grippatchi.


Tamatown Tama-Go
Nokotchi sprite tamago
Tamagotchi Plus Color
Nokotchi sprite pluscolor

Name Origin[]

Nokotchi's name is derived from the end of the Japanese word kinoko, which means "mushroom".

