Putchi Puritchi Tamagotchi Uni is a manga series written by Nikki Sensei and published by Shogakukan in Pucchigumi magazine. The manga began publication in March 1st, 2024 and is currently ongoing, with a new episode releasing every two months.
The manga focuses on Milktchi, Momotchi, and Neliatchi as main characters while having other characters from the Tamagotchi Uni make minor appearances. The setting of the stories occur in locations from the Tamagotchi Uni such as the Tamaverse. Each episode is generally a short story featuring elements taken from the Uni's gameplay.
Episode Summaries[]
- Episode One: Milktchi shows off various outfits to Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi at her home. They are impressed, but Milktchi feels like something is missing. Later that night, she crafts a couple of accessories and forms an outfit from them. The next day, she shows off her new outfit to her friends and they encourage her to upload it to Tama Fashion in the Tamaverse. Other Tamagotchi complement her outfit and Milktchi later receives a gifted accessory from an admirer who was inspired by Milktchi's outfit.
- Episode Two: Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi are enjoying snacks while relaxing in a pink tent in Milktchi's backyard. A Harapparatchi wanders in and Milktchi goes to give them a pie, but they wander off when she returns. The friends follow the Harapparatchi to Momotchi who is surrounded by other Tama Pets attracted to her flower chair. Milktchi invites the Tama Pets to her house to play and brings out a bag of flower seeds. Momotchi watches Milktchi plants one in the ground which grows into a giant flower and takes them to the sky. Momotchi then thanks Milktchi for the fun time and the two become friends.
- Episode Three: Milktchi and Momotchi decide to visit Monster Carnival, but are frightened by all the monster characters there. Neliatchi then appears and reassures them that the monsters are friendly and meant no harm to them. The three then visit Angel Festival and have fun. After returning home, Nelitachi offers them eye jelly that she bought as a souvenir from Monster Carnival.
Promotional Images[]
- To promote the manga's publication, the first episode contained a download accessory code for the Happi²♡ Tiara accessory that was featured in the story. Inputting the code in a Tamagotchi Uni downloaded the accessory to the Uni for the Tamagotchi to wear.
- At Girls Comic Fes 2024, using Tama Search on the Tamagotchi Uni would let the user meet Milktchi wearing the Happi²♡ Tiara accessory.
Tamagotchi Literature | ||
Books | Tamagotchi Research Report: Tamagotchi Book • Tamagotchi: The Original Virtual Reality Pet Record Book | |
Vintage Manga | Manga de Hakken! Tamagotch 4 Koma Gekijou • Daisuki♥Tamagotch • Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi • Marugoto Manga de Tamagotch • Minna de Tamagotchi | |
Plus Manga | Acchi Kocchi Tamagotchi Town • Unidentified Gag Life-forms: Tamagotchi • GOGO! Tama Tama Tamagotchi | |
Modern Manga | GOGO♪ Tamagotchi! • Go-Go Best Friends • My First Tamagotchi • It's a Manga of Tamagotchi! • Putchi Puritchi Tamagotchi Uni |