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Rednosetchi (アカハナっち Akahanatchi) is a male adult Tamagotchi character that debuted on the Santaclautch no Tamagotch as a companion for Santaclautchi, and would later be obtainable on his own on the 15th Anniversary version of the Tamagotchi iD L.

Name Origin[]

Rednosetchi's Japanese name is a combination of "akai" (meaning red) and "hana" (meaning nose).


Rednosetchi looks similar to Pochitchi, except he is brown with a bright red nose, smaller ears, and has a pair of antlers on his head. He resembles a reindeer.


Rednosetchi works for Santaclautchi as a sleigh puller to bring presents every year using his glowing nose to light the way. He is good friends with Santaclautchi, and is very kind and polite. He cannot stand to be separated from Santaclautchi for too long; if they separate, Rednosetchi will throw himself into a panic trying to find him. He is airheaded and not good with directions, leading him to get lost occasionally.

Official profiles
"For the sake of good children, they help Santaclautchi travel around." - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022)

On Virtual Pets[]

All Releases[]

On Christmas Eve at 10:30 PM, Rednosetchi will appear with Santaclautchi to drop off presents at the Tamagotchi's house. The present is merely cosmetic, and disappears when the Tamagotchi wakes up.

Santaclautch no Tamagotch[]

Rednosetchi is one of three possible companion characters that can be born when using the Egg item. If all three of the previous items have been used, Rednosetchi forms a complete "set", allowing the Santaclautchi to travel distances faster. If the three previous "correct" transformations have happened, obtaining Rednosetchi should cause the "Santa-ness" meter to become completely full.

Tamagotchi iD L[]

Rednosetchi is a raisable adult exclusive to the 15th Anniversary version. He can evolve from any male teen (Kujakutchi, Sunnytchi, or Young Oyajitchi) if they connect with six different toys (including other iD Ls, Tamagotchi iDs, or Tamagotchi iD Home Stations).

Tamagotchi m!x[]

Rednosetchi is a NPC that can be encountered at Present Island in the Gift version of the m!x.

Tamagotchi Smart[]

Rednosetchi appears in the Square during December. The Tamagotchi can talk to him and occassionally, an animation will play where Rednosetchi, Santaclautchi, and the Tamagotchi ride a magical sled over the city to deliver presents. Rednosetchi also leads a seasonal minigame where they ask the Tamagotchi to wrap presents.

In the Anime[]


Rednosetchi appears in "Rednosetchi is Lost!" where he becomes seperated from Santaclautchi from not remembering which bridge to meet him at. He is at first frustated at Santaclautchi for lecturing him so much and making him feel worthless, but soon realizes how important he is to him. Mametchi, Chamametchi, and Hapihapitchi find him and eventually reunite him with Santaclautchi. In "Happy Happy! Illumination", Rednosetchi gets separated from Santaclautchi again. He is reunited with him when Melodytchi and Lovelitchi play Happy Happy Harmony to get his attention.

When Yukipatchi accidentally causes Tamagotchi Town to become buried in snow in "Miracle White Christmas!", the Tama-friends help Santaclautchi and Rednosetchi find houses and deliver presents to them. The two are then treated to a Christmas party as suggested by Kizunatchi. In "A Bit of a Badboy? Midsummer Santaclautchi" he accompanies Santaclautchi when he returns Santagreentchi's Santa License.

GO-GO Tamagotchi![]

Other Forms[]



Deertchi, otherwise known as Reindeertchi, are Rednosetchi's species. They look very similar to Rednosetchi, but their noses are colored brown. They appear in "Every Lovely Delivery! To North North Point" and join Lovelin's performance of Lovely Day in the forest.


Main article: Greennosetchi

Greennosetchi (ミドハナっち Midohanatchi) is the summer version of Rednosetchi, and has a green nose. He works with Santagreentchi to deliver presents to the southern lands of Tamagotchi Planet. He first appears in "A Bit of a Badboy? Midsummer Santaclautchi" in the original Tamagotchi! anime.


Main article: Bluenosetchi

Bluenosetchi (アオハナっち Aohanatchi) is the Dream Town version of Rednosetchi, and has a blue nose and differently shaped antlers. He works with Santabluetchi to deliver presents to Dream Town. He appears in "Christmas-kyan! Fluffy Yumecantchi" in Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream.


Main article: Yellownosetchi

Yellownosetchi (キイロハナっち Kiirohanatchi) is the DoriTama Town version of Rednosetchi that works with Santayellowtchi. He has a yellow nose and wears a yellow beanie. He is seen in "To the Earth! Big Christmas Adventure" in GO-GO Tamagotchi!.




