Rexitchi is a senior stage Tamagotchi that debuted on the Tamagotchi Music Star.
Rexitchi resembles a human head with white skin, slick yellow hair with large sideburns and eyebrows, stick arms and legs, and a pair of sunglasses that obscure his face. When he's sad, his hair goes limp and turns blue.
On Virtual Pets[]
Tamagotchi Music Star[]
Rexitchi is a male senior that appears on even Generations if the male adult does not marry.
Tamatown Tama-Go[]
Rexitchi appears on the #111 Ponytchi Gotchi Figure. When using the 'Refresh' item purchased at Ponytchi's Spa, the character may temporarily be transformed into Rexitchi.
Name Origin[]
Rexitchi's name is derived from the Latin word rex, meaning "king", which was a nickname attributed to Elvis.
- His design is a reference to the late musician Elvis Presley.
- There is no Japanese translation for Rexitchi's name.
- Despite not appearing in any Japanese Tamagotchi media or toy, Rexitchi appears on a Japanese poster commemorating Tamagotchi's 15th anniversary.