Ride With Me is an animated short by study666i that released on Tamagotchi social media on October 17th, 2024. The short was released as part of a collection of other shorts animated by study666i.
When you ride a roller coaster, so does your Tamagotchi!
As Memetchi and Flowertchi walk into a park to have a picnic, two girls wave goodbye to their friends before boarding a rollercoaster with their Entamas. Memetchi and Flowertchi discuss the lunches they bought and go to take it out. Before they can get, however, the rollercoaster starts moving. Memetchi and Flowertchi float in the air in confusion and are suddenly tossed around the area, even hitting the nearby sleeping Kusatchi. The rollercoaster is shown moving fast as the Tamagotchi continue to be thrown and spun around.
Once the ride ends, the dust clears on the Tamagotchi lying on the ground. Everyone gets up and laughs, having enjoyed the chaotic ride.