Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Sanzokutchi is a Tamagotchi character that appeared in the Tamagotchi Town SNES game.

Name Origin[]

Sanzokutchi is based on the word "Sanzoku", meaning bandit in Japanese


Sanzokutchi resembles Oyajitchi wearing a green bandana on their head. They have black hair sticking out on the sides of their head and they seem to be missing a tooth.


This aquatic Tamagotchi has developed legs to allow it to crawl onto land. They're notorious for being bandits, and often assist Kaizokutchi's pirate endeavors.

In Games[]

Tamagotchi Town (SNES)[]

Tonbotchi is obtained from luring Otototchi or Kingyotchi to a mountain block.
