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Say Cheese! A Great Photo Shoot! (パチリ!ハチャメチャさつえい会 Pachiri! Hachamecha satsuei kai) is part 2 of episode 7 of Tamagotchi!.

It was later rebroadcast as the 4th Tamagotchi! Tamatomo Daishuu GO episode on the 23th of April, 2015.


Memetchi, Makiko, and Flowertchi are having a girl's day out. While shopping, the three of them found a photo studio with Lovelin's photos...?


Memetchi, Makiko, and Flowertchi walk down a street in Tamagotchi Town carrying boxes of stuff they bought during their shopping spree. They pass by and notice a shop plastered with photos of Lovelin which they figure out is a photo studio. Dazzled by the thought of experiencing what it's like being a celebrity in a photoshoot, Makiko walks into the store with the other two following close behind.

They see even more photos of Lovelin on the walls and Lovepapalitchi comes over to welcome them. They're surprised to see him running the studio and realize that explains all the photos of Lovelin in the place. He notices that they're Lovelitchi's classmates and treats them to a free photo session for being so nice to his daughter. Before they could start, he suddenly gets a phone call and apologizes to the girls as he has to go out of the studio to take care of something. He shows them how to use the camera and then leaves, saying he'll be back soon and that there's costumes in the back.

The girls proceed to have a fun time taking lots of photos and wearing all sorts of costumes. After picking up some of the photos and taking a close look, Flowertchi notes that they seem to be missing something and that they're incomplete. She compares their photo to Lovelin's, stating that theirs look so ordinary next to hers. Makiko figures out that the missing thing is them posing with a "real model's attitude". Memetchi expresses annoyance at having to retake pictures as Makiko jumps to get costumes sitting on the top shelf. The entire shelf shakes and all the costumes topple down and bury Makiko. Flowertchi worries Lovepapalitchi will be mad at them for making a mess and as Makiko responds she notices Hero Lovelin's and Gotchiman's costume in one of the opened boxes.

They look at the costumes in anticipation and Memetchi suggests that she be the one to wear Lovelin's costume. Makiko retorts that she can't have it as she wants to wear it first and suggests that she wear the Gotchiman costume instead, angering Memetchi. The scene then briefly cuts to Gotchiman sneezing and Lovelin asks if he's alright as he sneezes again. Back at the studio, the two girls fight over Lovelin's costume, angrily trying to tug it away from the other. Flowertchi goes over to stop them and trips over a Hibiscus flower which lands on her head. She looks at the flower and remembers its special meaning which is passion.

The fighting girls are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Flowertchi in Black Hat's costume, acting in character. She then switches to another villain's costume and continues acting until she notices Memetchi and Makiko looking close to tears. The two apologize for fighting in front of her and think she's acting as the villains to get their attention and make them stop. They offer her Lovelin's costume for snapping them out of the fight, but Flowertchi refuses, saying that she loves villains and only wants to be one. She switches to another villain's costume and Makiko finally understands what Flowertchi wants them to do: take passionate photos.

At the Tama Cafe, Lovepapalitchi finishes helping out Lovemamalitchi and heads back to the studio, worried about making the girls wait for a long time. As he enters the studio he sees the girls acting out a Gotchiman scene, with Flowertchi dressed as Miss Tacky, Makiko as Gotchiman, and Mememtchi as Hero Lovelin. Violetchi delivers a flying kick at Makiko who she misses and Makiko goes to counterattack with a punch. Lovepapalitchi runs to stop her from hitting Violetchi and ends up getting tackled into a pile of boxes. The girls immediately stop and check up on him while apologizing. He pops up out the boxes with a samurai wig and they bow down and apologize again as he looks at them confused.






Click here to view the image gallery for Say Cheese! A Great Photo Shoot!/Episode Gallery.
Click here to view the gallery.

Title in Other Languages[]

Region Name Translated
Japanese パチリ!ハチャメチャさつえい会
Korean 찰칵찰칵! 엉망진창 사진 찍기!
Tamagotchi! Episodes
List of Tamagotchi! Episodes
Season 1 1234A/4B5A/5B6A/6B7A/7B89A/9B10A/10B11A/11B


Season 2 26A/26B27A/27B28A/28B29A/29B30A/30B31A/31B32A/32B33A/33B34A/34B35A/35B


Season 3 49A/49B50A/50B51A/51B52A/52B5354A/54B55A/55B56A/56B57A/57B58A/58B59A/59B60A/60B


Season 4 74A/74B75A/75B76A/76B77A/77B78A/78B79A/79B80A/80B81A/81B8283A/83B8485A/85B
Season 5 86A/86B87A/87B88A/88B8990A/90B91A/91B92A/92B93A/93B94A/94B95969798
Season 6 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122
Season 7 123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143