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Shutata! Ninja Lovelin is Here (シュタタ!くのいちラブリンまいる Shutata! Kunoichi raburin mairu) is part 1 of episode 37 of Tamagotchi!. The episode is an in universe episode of the TAMAX-TV program, Princess Lovelin.


At Gotchi Castle, the hanging scroll "Beartchi Fell" was stolen! Around that time, Princess Lovelin notices sounds coming outside her bedroom. Who's out there and can she safely get out?


S2E37A KikitchiWallScroll

The episode opens on Mametchi no Suke training with his sword while Dorotchi and Nemutchi complement his skills. At the castle, Lord Kikitchi shows off the new hanging scroll he bought and the royal court struggle to find something nice to say about it. Princess Lovelin asks Lady Chamametchi about it and she responds that Lord Kikitchi has been caught up in the fad of collecting wall scrolls and has been spending too much on them.

That night, Ninja Lovelin sneaks into the castle and makes it inside Lord Kikitchi's room while he is asleep. She picks up the wall scroll Kikitchi was showing off earlier and tries to sneak out, but Lord Kikitchi wakes up and yells for the guards to get her. As she runs away from the guards, Lord Kikitchi tells Kuchipatchi-Karō and Advisor Togetchi to get Mametchi no Suke to the castle. The two then go to Mametchi's house and debrief him on the situation.

EP 036 0001439859ms

At the castle, Princess Lovelin wonders about the loud noises she's hearing outside. Memetchi-Karō briefly goes into Lovelin's room to warn her about the ninja that had snuck into the castle and advises her to stay in her room. Lovelin ignores this advice and goes out looking for Ninja Lovelin, wanting to join in the excitement. Meanwhile, Mametchi confronts Ninja Lovelin and the two attack each other with their weapons. Mametchi manages to cut Ninja Lovelin's mask and she panics and throws a smoke bomb to run away.

Princess Lovelin eventually manages to run into Ninja Lovelin and she takes her to safety away from the guards looking for her. The two are surprised by how they look exactly alike and Princess Lovelin is excited to see a real ninja up close, asking how she snuck into the castle. Ninja Lovelin explains she came to get the "Beartchi Fell" scroll because it was painted by her father who had died three years ago of sickness. She kept the scroll as a keepsake of her father, but had lost it sometime ago. When she learned Lord Kikitchi had bought it from someone, she decided to sneak into the castle to get it back.

S2E37A TwinMirror

Princess Lovelin sympathizes with Ninja Lovelin and suggests that they switch places so Ninja Lovelin can escape and Princess Lovelin can experience being a ninja. Ninja Lovelin agrees to this and they swap outfits. Princess Lovelin tries to sneak out of the castle, but trips and gets the attention of Kuchipatchi and the guards. They chase her outside and surround her, with Mametchi approaching her and demanding the scroll back. Ninja Lovelin then comes to her rescue and everyone is shocked to see how the two Lovelin look alike. In the confusion, the two Lovelins put on a show as a distraction. This successfully distracts everyone long enough for Ninja Lovelin to make her escape with the scroll.

Tamagotchi! Episode 037 708691

The next day, Lord Kikitchi says that he is okay with losing the scroll after hearing Ninja Lovelin's reason for stealing it. He additionally notes that he decided to stop collecting wall scrolls and the royal court sighs in relief. However, Advisor Togetchi brings in a carved statue of Beartchi and Kikitchi explains he's collecting wood carvings now, to everyone's annoyance.







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Title In Other Languages[]

Language Name Translated
Japanese シュタタ!くのいちラブリンまいる Shutata! Ninja Lovelin is Here
Korean 우당탕! 닌자 러블린 등장이오~!


  • A TV and remote can be seen in Princess Lovelin's room despite the series taking place in historical Japan times.
Tamagotchi! Episodes
List of Tamagotchi! Episodes
Season 1 1234A/4B5A/5B6A/6B7A/7B89A/9B10A/10B11A/11B


Season 2 26A/26B27A/27B28A/28B29A/29B30A/30B31A/31B32A/32B33A/33B34A/34B35A/35B


Season 3 49A/49B50A/50B51A/51B52A/52B5354A/54B55A/55B56A/56B57A/57B58A/58B59A/59B60A/60B


Season 4 74A/74B75A/75B76A/76B77A/77B78A/78B79A/79B80A/80B81A/81B8283A/83B8485A/85B
Season 5 86A/86B87A/87B88A/88B8990A/90B91A/91B92A/92B93A/93B94A/94B95969798
Season 6 99100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122
Season 7 123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143