Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Takotchi (たこっち) is an adult character that first appeared on the Tamagotchi Generation 2.

Name Origin[]

"Tako" is Japanese for Octopus.


Takotchi resembles Kuchitamatchi with four long legs, a red body, and a periscope on top of her head which extends her vision range, enabling her to see over fences and walls. Despite Takotchi's resemblance of an octopus, she actually isn't one. Ironically, her name translates to octopus, possibly due to her resemblance to one. On the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. app, she can have a pink or green body.


Takotchi is quite fussy with temperature, preferring takoyaki and hot baths, but hating frozen foods and cold water. Through the periscope on their head, they can see over walls.

Official profiles
"This is one strange pet, mostly from a lack of attention and discipline. Through the periscope-type gizmo on its head, it can see things. It likes long, hot baths and sushi." - Official Tamagotchi Pet Care Guide and Record book (USA, 1997)
"Takotchi has modeled itself after an Earth squid, but its multiple limbs don't give it an advantage in sports, it's an average Adult Tamagotchi." - Nintendo Power guide to Tamagotchi Game Boy (USA, 1997)
"It looks like an octopus, but it's not. It's very weak and sensitive to cold water, but likes hot baths. It loves takoyaki, but hates frozen foods, so it can be quite fussy. It has a periscope on its head so it can see over walls, and it seems to hate dentists even though it has no teeth." - Polygon de Hakken!! Tamagotchi (1997, Japan)
“Takotchi loves to play hide-n-seek, but BEWARE — he cheats!” - McDonald’s Tamagotchi Toyz Happy Meal bag (USA, 1997)
"A first glance, they look like an octopus, but they're actually different. A new kind of adult who likes takoyaki. They are weak against water, but loves hot baths. They have a scope on their head." - Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi (JP, 1998)
"I hate water, but love hot baths." - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022)

On Virtual Pets[]

Tamagotchi Generation 2[]

Takotchi evolves from Tongaritchi with significantly bad care, or Hashitamatchi with below average care. If the Tamagotchi had any Discipline, the meter will empty upon evolving. Takotchi wakes at 10 AM, sleeps at 10 PM, and has a base weight of 20. Takotchi is the worst adult possible, and often only lives for up to three days before dying (The maximum lifespan is about 9yr on the rereleases).

Takotchi's game quirk is going against odds with the number it's thinking of. For example, if the current number is 4, Takotchi is more likely to think of a lower number (3, 2, or 1) than a higher number (5-9), despite the higher numbers having the more likely odds.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 2[]

Takotchi is one of three adults that can be obtained on odd Generations with below average care, the other two being Hanatchi and Kaerutchi. Takotchi's favorite food is tacos, and dislikes fish.

In Games[]

Tamagotchi (GB)[]

Takotchi can evolve from all four teen stage Tamagotchi (Tamatchi, Tongaritchi, Kuchitamatchi, and Hashitamatchi) with at least 3 selfishness points and 40 stress points (Kuchitamatchi and Hashitamatchi only require stress) if it's IQ is higher than Strength. If Strength is higher than IQ, then the resulting adult is instead Tarakotchi.

Tamagotchi Town[]

Takotchi evolves from Tongaritchi or Hashitamatchi with 8-9 stress.

Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi[]

Takotchi is a Group F adult that evolves from Hashitamatchi with bad care and high power.

Other Forms[]

Takotchi Angel[]

Angelgotchi 4
Main article: Takotchi Angel

Takotchi Angel is an angel form of Takotchi that appears on the Tamagotchi Angel. They are normally docile, but when upset or angry it's impossible to calm them down.


Main article: Tonatakotchi

Tonatakotchi is a companion form of Takotchi that appears on the Santaclautch no Tamagotch.


Vintage Artwork[]

Modern Artwork[]

Trading Cards[]



  • A misplacement on Bandai's original growth chart suggested that Kusatchi was the worst possible adult on the P2, and it was swapped with Takotchi. In actual fact, Kusatchi is the second unhealthiest adult and Takotchi is the unhealthiest. Takotchi shares her animation patterns with Tarakotchi and as this video shows, taking care of Hashitamatchi the same way as a Kuchitamatchi would be to achieve Nyorotchi will result in an evolution to Kusatchi.
  • A translucent Takotchi keychain was one of eight Tamagotchi toys available in McDonald’s happy meals.