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Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

The Miracle Friends version of the TamaTomo PC

The TamaTomo PC is an educational toy laptop featuring various characters from the Tamagotchi! anime series. There were three versions: the first based on Tamagotchi! featuring Lovelitchi and Melodytchi, the second based on Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream featuring Yumemitchi and Kirairitchi, and the third based on Tamagotchi! Miracle Friends featuring Miraitchi and Clulutchi.


The laptop has a greyscale screen which is surrounded by a decorative sticker featuring Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi along with other characters depending on the version. There is also a keyboard with a power button, sound control button, and various other buttons used for games. Attached to the laptop is a small circular mouse which doesn't detect movement, but registers clicks. The laptop has sound and features the voices of the characters which can be heard through the speaker below the keyboard.



The games vary depending on the laptop's version, but the types usually available are: Japanese study, English study, math, music, logic, and for fun. Each game features a character who will talk and explain the game before it starts. Playing games and getting good results will earn the user a stamp which goes on their stamp card. If the stamp card is fully filled out, something special will unlock.


Tamagotchi characters can be talked to using the keyboard and will respond through letters.


There is a dictionary where the user can read about tamagotchis, Tamagotchi Town (Dream Town in other versions), and other things relating to Tamagotchi Planet.



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