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Regional Differences[]

The shells for the Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 have differences in what is attached to the shell and what kind of logo is present on it:

  • USA: Logo says Tamagotchi Connection with first and second waves containing Mimitchi in the O of Tamagotchi. Later waves replace Mimitchi with Mametchi. An O-ring is attached to the shell.
    • Some waves of USA shells have the logo simply say Tamagotchi.
  • Europe: Logo is the vintage styled Tamagotchi version. A ball chain is attached to the shell.
  • Asia/Oceania: Shell will either have the Tamagotchi Connexion logo, simple Tamagotchi logo, or no logo at all. A plastic tag (like the ones for the Keitai Kaitsuu Tamagotchi Plus) is attached to the shell.

Shell List[]

Name Photo Region Description Notes
Tropical Green
V3 Tropical Green
V3 tropical green europe

Europe Asia/Oceania

Light green shell with pink logo, violet borders, and pink buttons. Printed pattern of tropical flowers and palm trees. USA wave 1.
Surf Wave
Surf wave usa
Surf wave asia

Europe Asia/Oceania

Light blue shell with matching antenna tip. Aqua colored border and light yellow buttons. Printed blue and green waves.
Blue Camo
Blue camo europe
Blue camo asia

Europe Asia/Oceania

White shell with matching border, buttons, and antenna tip. Blue and black camouflage design.
Pink Ice Cream
V3 PinkIceCream
Pink ice cream europe
Pink ice cream asia

Europe Asia/Oceania

Light pink shell with violet logo, violet borders, and yellow buttons. Printed green, orange, red, pink, blue, yellow, and violet ice cream with beige cones patterns.
V3 Silver
Asia silver


Silver shell with black logo, black borders, and gray buttons. USA wave 1.
Transparent Yellow
V3 TransLime
Translucent yellow europe


Translucent yellow shell with navy blue logo, borders, and buttons. USA and Europe wave 1.
Translucent Pink
V3 TransPink
USA Translucent pink shell with light pink logo, borders, and buttons. USA wave 2.
Pink with Ribbons
V3 PinkBows
USA Light pink shell with silver logo, white borders, and pink buttons. Printed pink stripes and dark pink, light pink, and silver ribbons. USA wave 2.
Aqua Blue
V3 AquaBlue
USA Sky blue shell with blue logo, blue borders, and green buttons. Printed white, blue and green bubble pattern, and a pair of white and blue stripes on either side. USA wave 2. Identical printing pattern to an Asian V2 shell, but with altered logo and border colors.
Green Snake
V3 GreenSnake
USA Dark green shell with green logo, light green borders, and orange buttons. Printed green snakeskin pattern. USA wave 2.
Translucent Black
V3 TranslucentBlack
USA Translucent black shell with dark red logo, borders, and buttons. USA wave 2.
Zebra Stripes
USA White shell with dark green logo, orange borders, and dark orange buttons. Printed zebra stripes pattern. USA wave 2.
Hearts and Angels
V3 HeartsAngels

Latin America

Light pink shell with pink logo, lavender borders, and yellow buttons. Printed pattern of pink hearts with white wings and golden halos. USA wave 3.
Summer Night
V3 SummerNight
USA Navy blue shell with light blue logo, black borders, and light blue buttons. Printed yellow and star constellation pattern. USA wave 3.
Yellow with Stars
Yellow with stars v3
USA Canary yellow shell with orange logo, blue borders, and lime green buttons. Printed orange, white, green, purple, and magenta stars. USA wave 3.
Green with Frogs
V3 GreenFrogs
USA Teal-green shell with green logo, canary yellow borders, and light orange buttons. Printed light blue, yellow, green, and teal frog pattern. USA wave 4.
Green with Rainbow Lillies
Green with rainbow lillies
USA Light green shell with green logo, dark green border and yellow buttons. Printed pattern of rainbow lillies and leaves.
Black with Kanji
Black with Kanji
USA Black shell with matching antenna tip and white border and buttons. Red circle printed around the screen with white polka dots. "Japan" written in Kanji on the left side of the screen.
Red Stars
USA Red shell with matching antenna tip. Purple border and white buttons. Orange ray pattern with teal stars.
USA Salmon pink shell with matching antenna tip. Pink border with white buttons. Cherry print design.
Yellow Dots
USA Yellow shell with matching antenna tip. Green border and orange buttons. Red dot design.
Orange Flowers
USA Orange shell with matching antenna tip. Light pink border and red buttons. Red, yellow, and orange flower design.
USA Aqua shell with white border and buttons. Yellow, pink, and orange butterfly pattern.
USA Gray shell with matching antenna tip. Black border and light blue buttons. Various graffiti of words around the shell including "Cool", "Sweet", "Peace", "Yo!!!", and "Tamagotchi".
V3 Golden
USA Gold shell with silver logo and buttons. Special edition shell distributed by Bandai during an online quiz giveaway. 2,500 units produced, with the production number printed on each unit's back in silver.
Europe Red shell with white border and pink antenna tip and buttons. Pineapple, palm tree, and hibiscus flower print.
Pink Hearts
Europe Pink shell with silver border. White antenna tip and buttons. White and pink heart design. Similar design was released as a Keitai shell, with the logo replacing the Tamagotchi Comrade at top.
Yellow TMGC
Europe Yellow shell with dark blue border, buttons, and antenna tip. Letters spelling "TMGC" surround the screen.
Europe White shell with matching antenna tip and buttons. Black border. Cow spots print.
Green Swirls
Europe White shell with clover green border, antenna tip, and buttons. Green swirls pattern.
Union Jack
Europe White shell with matching border and red antenna tip and buttons. Printed Union Jack flag design.
White Clover

Latin America

White shell with mint green borders, light green buttons and antenna tip. Printed pattern of four-leaf clovers. Similar design was released as a Keitai shell, with logo replacing Tamagotchi Comrade at top.
White Flower
Europe White shell with light pink borders, pink buttons and pink antenna tip. Printed floral pattern. Similar design was released as a Keitai shell, with logo replacing Tamagotchi Comrade at top.
Silver Star

Latin America

Silver shell with black border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed black and white stars with Tamagotchi Comrade on right side. Shell also released as a Keitai as part of the Winter Set.
White Bottom
Europe White/Cream shell with orange on the top half, and a Tamagotchi Comrade with curly hair, wearing a bow, and a small star shaped emote. Shell also released as a Keitai as part of the Spring Set.
Black Lightning

Latin America

Black shell with silver border. Red antenna tip and buttons. Silver lightning pattern. Shell also released as a Keitai and as a V4.
Transparent Blue Stars

Latin America

Transparent blue shell with matching border. Yellow antenna tip and buttons. Blue star pattern with scattered letters spelling TMGC.
Melon Soda
Melon soda
Europe Translucent teal shell with white buttons and white antenna tip. Printed pattern of bubbles and a cup-Tamagotchi with a straw. Similar design was released as a Keitai shell, with the cup Tamagotchi being moved to the side and the shade of teal being slightly darker.
Red Gingham
Red gingham
Asia/Oceania Red shell with matching border and antenna tip. White buttons and printed white checkered design.
Asia/Oceania Red shell with black border and yellow buttons and antenna tip. Printed black and white checkered design resembling racing flag.
Pink Dots
Asia/Oceania Dark pink shell with yellow buttons and border and white tipped antenna. Printed small yellow, blue, and pink dots.
Strawberry Red
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with white border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed TMGC at top with a simplified Tamagotchi toy next to it. Design was also released as a Keitai shell.
Red Wings
Asia/Oceania Red shell with white border, buttons, and antenna tip. White TMGC at top with white wings on sides of border.
Dark Pink With Hearts
V3 Pinkwhitehearts
Asia/Oceania Dark pink shell with white and light pink hearts, purple ribbon, white stitching pattern around border, and yellow buttons.
Pink Swirls
Pink Swirls
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with red border. Pink antenna tip and buttons. Printed with white and light pink swirls.
Pink Blossom
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with light blue border, pink antenna tip and buttons. Bottom half is printed with a yellow and light blue vertical stripe. Yellow, pink and blue flowers printed around the screen.
Pink asia
Asia/Oceania White shell with white buttons and border. Printed pink dots.
Transparent Pink
Translucent pink hearts
Asia/Oceania Transparent dark pink shell with matching border. Yellow buttons and antenna tip. Printed orange and pink hearts with Tamagotchi Comrade at top. Design also released as a Keitai with an opaque shell.
Pink Swirls
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with dark pink border and yellow buttons and antenna tip. Printed white swirly lines with yellow hearts
Pink Bubbles
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with white antenna tip. Dark pink border and buttons. Light blue, yellow, and green circles on sides.
Silver Star
Asia/Oceania White shell with dark pink border and antenna tip. Pink buttons. Silver stars around screen.
White/Pink Flowers
White-pink flowers
Asia/Oceania White shell with pink borders, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed pink flowers and TMGC at the top.
Asia/Oceania White shell with pink antenna tip and buttons. Yellow border. Printed pink and yellow flowers.
Yellow stars
Asia/Oceania Yellow shell with matching buttons. Pink border and antenna tip. Yellow and blue stars scattered across the shell.
Banana Deer
Asia/Oceania Yellow shell with brown border, antenna tip, and buttons. Brown sparkles and deer running across shell with Mametchi on top.
Café V3 TCC
Asia/Oceania Light brown shell with white borders and antenna tip. Dark red buttons. Printed shoelace holes on sides.
Spring Green Flowers
Spring green flowers
Asia/Oceania Light green shell with lavender border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed pink, aqua, and purple flowers.
Asia/Oceania Light green shell with yellow border and buttons. White antenna tip. Printed purple, pink, and blue flowers.
Asia/Oceania White shell with matching border. Mint green buttons and antenna tip. Printed mint green leaves, Tamagotchi Comrades, and TMGC at the top. Shell also released as a Keitai Akai.
Sneaker Green
Asia/Oceania White shell with matching border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed green stripes on sides and shoelaces on top.
Asia/Oceania White shell with matching border. Pale blue buttons and red antenna tip. Printed blue sky and rainbow with green, pink, and blue color at top. Green plant sprouts on lower half.
Light Blue
Asia/Oceania Blue shell with white border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed white TMGC at top with simplified Tamagotchi toy next to it.
Sneaker Blue
Asia/Oceania Blue shell with white border, buttons, and antenna tip. Printed white stripes on sides and 06 at top.
Blue and Pink Stripes with Stars
Asia/Oceania Light blue and pink striped shell with white stars. White border and buttons with dark blue antenna. Design was previously used in Tamagotchi Connection shell.
Night Star
Blue constellations
Asia/Oceania Dark blue shell with white antenna tip and buttons. Printed constellations with yellow sparkles.
Blue with Yellow Stars
Blue with Yellow Stars
Asia/Oceania Dark blue shell with dark blue antenna tip and yellow buttons. Printed yellow stars with yellow and blue bubbles.
Transparent Blue
Translucent blue spaceship
Asia/Oceania Transparent blue shell with matching border and yellow buttons and antenna tip. Printed white sparkles and UFO at top. Design also released as a Keitai with an opaque shell
Asia/Oceania Light blue shell with light blue border and antenna tip. White buttons. Printed dark blue dolphins with white and green bubbles.
Winter Treats
Winter treats
Asia/Oceania Light blue shell with white border and buttons. Red antenna tip. Top half has dripping snow/cream design with candy, candy canes, and evergreen trees on sides of screen
Rainbow Balloons
Asia/Oceania Light blue shell with light yellow border, purple buttons, and white antenna tip. Printed rainbow of purple, green, and yellow colors with matching balloons.
Purple Flowers
Asia/Oceania Light purple shell with dark pink border and antenna tip. Light purple buttons. Printed purple, pink, and orange flowers with purple, yellow, and green rainbow across the middle.
Purple Stars
Asia/Oceania Purple shell with matching antenna tip. Dark purple border and white buttons. Printed yellow and white stars with white trails.
Purple Snowflake
Asia/Oceania Lavender shell with matching buttons. Purple border and white antenna tip. Printed snowflakes.
Starlight shell
Asia/Oceania Light blue shell with dark blue border. White antenna tip and yellow buttons. Printed blue and white bubbles with blue fishes.
Silver Sparkles
Silver Sparkles
Asia/Oceania Silver shell with black borders, buttons and antenna tip. Black tamagotchi logo with sparkles surrounding the logo.
Asia/Oceania Black shell with yellow border and antenna tip. White buttons. Red flame designs. Design was also released as a Connection V2 shell.
Mame Bean Mametchi
Asia/Oceania Blue green shell with white border. Light green antenna tip and button. Mame beans and music notes around screen with Mametchi at top. Sold bundled with Guruguru Doll Memetchi shell
Guruguru Doll Memetchi
Asia/Oceania Pink shell with white border. Yellow antenna tip and buttons. Guruguru dolls and music notes around screen with Memetchi at top. Sold bundled with Mame Bean Mametchi shell
Asia/Oceania Pearlescent blue shell with gold border. Gold antenna tip and buttons. White, orange, blue, and green dot print around shell with a gold crown at top. Limited edition exclusive to Hong Kong. Came with exclusive box packaging.
Asia/Oceania Pearlescent pink shell with silver border. Silver antenna tip and buttons. Pink, silver, yellow, and white dot print around shell with a silver crown at top. Limited edition exclusive to Hong Kong. Came with exclusive box packaging.
Blue Hearts with Mascots
Asia/Oceania Light blue shell with dark blue border. Pink antenna tip and buttons. White and red heart design with Kuchipatchi, Mametchi, and Memetchi on top. Exclusive to Singapore
Summertime Memetchi
Asia/Oceania White shell with matching border and buttons. Bottom half is light blue with white swirls and top half is white with light blue swirls. Memetchi wearing a visor and holding a drink on top next to the word "Summer". Exclusive to Singapore
Yellow Tropical Flowers
Asia/Oceania Light yellow shell with light purple border, antenna tip, and buttons. Dark and light purple Vanda Miss Joaquim orchids (Singapore's national flower) surround the screen. Exclusive to Singapore
Total Girl
Total girl
Oceania White shell with dark pink border and white antenna tip and buttons. Rainbow colour polka dots around the screen. Total girl logo printed above the screen. A collaboration with the Australian magazine, Total Girl