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Tamagotchi Family, also known as Group or Tribe (族 Zoku), is a grouping system used on several virtual pets from the Tamagotchi Connection and Tamagotchi Plus franchises. The functionality varies significantly between releases, but the core concept is the same, and plays a significant role in the Tamagotchi Life Cycle in what Evolutions are available.

Entama, Uratama, and Hanerutchi 2[]

On the Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus and Ura Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus, each device has five groups of characters: the three default groups, the universal group, and the special group. The first generation always begins with a baby of one of the three main groups, and the baby can only evolve into adults within the same group, and which adult it becomes is determined by its Skill Points; whichever Skill Point is the highest determines which adult evolution occurs. Upon marriage, the resulting baby is determined by which parents it had. The special group baby can only be born by marrying via a Dating Card. The universal group comprises of three characters: Ojitchi, Otokitchi, and Oyajitchi (along with their Ura Tamagotchi counterparts). These characters can be in any of the three main groups, while Ojitchi and Otokitchi can also be in the special group. When a special group adult marries, the baby is determined by the partner it had. The Group the character is part of can be seen in the Health meter.

Entama Groups[]

  • Mame Group - One of the three primary groups, and begins with Mameotchi or Mamekotchi as the baby. Associated with the Intellects skill.
  • Meme Group - One of the three primary groups, and begins with Memeotchi or Memeputchi as the baby. Associated with the Arts skill.
  • Kuchi Group - One of the three primary groups, and begins with Kuchiotchi or Kuchikotchi as the baby. Associated with the Social skill.
  • Hatena Group - The special group born when using a dating card, it begins with Hatenatchi and has three evolution pathways, determined by which card is used.

The marriage combinations are:

  • Mame Group + Meme Group = Meme Group babies.
  • Meme Group + Kuchi Group = Kuchi Group babies.
  • Kuchi Group + Mame Group = Mame Group babies.

Uratama Groups[]

The marriage combinations are:

  • Ura Mame Group + Ura Meme Group = Ura Meme Group babies.
  • Ura Meme Group + Ura Kuchi Group = Ura Kuchi Group babies.
  • Ura Kuchi Group + Ura Mame Group = Ura Mame Group babies.

Hanerutchi 2 Groups[]

While the Hanerutchi 2 contains the same core functionality as the Entama and Uratama, there are no dedicated baby characters for each Group. Instead, Akachantchi is the baby character for all thee Groups (Ongaku, Taiiku, and Owarai, associated with the Musical, Phys. Ed., and Comedy skills respectively) and which it was born into can be seen in the Health meter.

The marriage combinations are:

  • Ongaku Group + Taiiku Group = Taiiku Group babies.
  • Taiiku Group + Owarai Group = Owarai Group babies.
  • Owarai Group + Ongaku Group = Ongaku Group babies.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 and 4.5[]

On the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 and Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5, each device has four groups of characters: the three default groups and the universal group. All baby and child characters are part of the universal group and, depending on its care and which child it was, will evolve into a teen of one of the three main groups (Mame, Meme, and Kuchi Groups on the Version 4, and Ura Mame, Ura Meme, and Ura Kuchi Groups on the Version 4.5). Evolution to the adult stage is primarily determined by Skill Points and quality of care.

On the Version 4, if the conditions for a universal adult aren't met, the adult stage will always be a character of the same Group as the teen. On the Version 4.5, a teen can become an adult from a different Group if the points of the skill associated with the target group are really high (around 150) or the total amount of points is really high (around 250).

Universal teens an adults function significantly different between the two devices:

  • On the Version 4, the universal teens can evolve from any child character with four or more care mistakes.
  • On the Version 4, the universal adult can evolve from any teen with a significant amount of neglect, or if their Skill Points are low.
    • Main group teens need at least 50 Skill Points total to avoid becoming a universal adult.
    • Universal group teens needs at least 100 Skill Points total to avoid becoming a universal adult.
    • When a universal teen evolves into a main group adult, the group it grows into is random, but which adult from the group it becomes is determined by its Skill Points.
  • On the Version 4.5, universal teens and adults can only occur if a character of the previous generation was a universal group character, and the child character is given perfect care.
    • This can occur by marrying a V4 with one of the six universal adults present on the V4.5, raising and marrying an Oyajitchi, or marrying another V4.5 that has a universal adult already.
    • Universal teens can only become universal adults.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 5 and Celebrity[]

On the Tamagotchi Connection Version 5 and Tamagotchi Connection Version 5 Celebrity, each device features three primary families of characters. Each family has its own dedicated characters, and the baby will always evolve into the child stage of its family. During the child and teen stages, the user can influence which family the characters will grow into by Training them with specific items when they call. Bonding determines which adult character in the family the teen will evolve into. Training directly influences the evolution of the two eldest characters; if there is a third, it will either stay within it family it was born into or become an adult of the second most used training option.

The current family type can be viewed in the Health meter, along with the Bonding percentage. Depending on which family type the user currently has, animations that appear during the day may change.

Standard Families[]

The Blended Family is the default family type on both devices, and occurs if even one character, parents included is not part of the same family as another. Due to this, the First Generation and any family with three children will always be a Blended Family, as the youngest character will never be in the same family as the eldest two. Iwatchi and every character they evolve into are always part of the Blended Family.

If all characters in the current family being raised, parents included, are all part of the same family, the family type will reflect this in the Health meter.

  • Smart Family: Begins with Mimifuwatchi as the baby.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Sociable Family.
  • Cheerful Family: Begins with Omututchi as the baby.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Active Family.
  • Easygoing Family: Begins with Futabatchi as the baby.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Artistic Family.

On the English version of the V5 Celebrity, the family name will changed from Blended to one of the three standard families based on which training items are used, which can be used to determine what adults the characters will potentially evolve into.

Neglect Families[]

Each device has three families that occur from severe neglect during the adult stage. When the conditions are met, all of the current characters will evolve, including the parents. While using certain food and items can reverse the evolutions, the parents' evolution cannot be reversed.

  • Large Family: Occurs if the adults are overfed meals three times.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Pudding Family.
  • Small Family: Occurs if the Hungry meter drops to empty three times.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Model Family.
  • Ninja Family: Occurs if the Happy meter drops to empty three times.
    • On the V5 Celebrity, it is replaced with the Papara Family.

Pure Families[]

Each device also includes Pure Families. To achieve these families, the user must raise an adult respective of that family, increase the Bonding percentage to 100%, and then be given a specific marriage partner. Pure Families each have a special C-click reaction and idle animation, and are immune to all Neglect Family evolutions. In a Pure Family, only the eldest child may marry.

The Pure Families on the Version 5 are:

The only Pure Family available on the Version 5 Celebrity is the Gotchi King Family, which can be formed either by marrying Princess Tamako with Tamastatchi, or marrying Prince Tamahiko with Rosetchi. Each of the four combinations have different C-click reactions and idle animations.

Tamagotchi Terminology
General Functions CareHealth meterMeal (Rice) • SnackTrainingPooC-click reaction (Close Up) • ShopNotebook
Growth Egg Stage (Cocoon) • Baby stageChild stage (Young Forms) • Adult stage (Personality stage) • Post-adult stageSicknessDeathTamagotchi Life CycleGeneration (First Generation) • EvolutionTamagotchi Family
Other Features BondingTamacomBumpMarriageGotchi PointsSkill PointsJewelryM!xingTamagotchi PowerTamaTomoColor Changing FoodsColor Genetics and Combinations
Species Tamagotchi (Subspecies) • GaiatchiHumansPredatorTama PetTamagotchi Comrades
Tamagotchi Lore TamagotchimojiTamagotchi Vehicles (UFO)
Tamagotchi Device BatteriesDebug (Tamagotchi Programming)ROM Testing