Tenpatchi (てんぱっち) is an adult male Ura Tamagotchi that debuted on the Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus in Japan and on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 internationally.
Tenpatchi looks like a blue ball with six feet, pink cheeks, a large pink beak, and a small bit of hair on his head. His eyes look like X's or plus signs. He is one of the few Tamagotchis that has a tail, and like other Tamagotchis featured on the Uratama and V4.5, he has the Ura blue outline.
He is always in a great hurry trying to be early to his meetings, but he often trips over his feet.
Official profiles |
"This Tamagotchi is always getting his feet tangled. So, he always sets out for all his appointments at least an hour early, expecting the worst." - TamaTown (US) |
"I'm always too flustered and I often get my feet intertwined..." - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022) |
On Virtual Pets[]
Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus[]
He is one of the male adult Tamagotchis found in the Ura Kuchi family. He evolves from either Kometchi or Boxertchi with high humor points.
Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5[]
On the V4, Tenpatchi is very similar to how he was on the Uratama. He is a male adult character found in the Ura Kuchi family and evolves from either Kometchi or Boxertchi with high humor points.