Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Tenpatchi (てんぱっち) is an adult male Ura Tamagotchi that debuted on the Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus in Japan and on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 internationally.


Tenpatchi looks like a blue ball with six feet, pink cheeks, a large pink beak, and a small bit of hair on his head. His eyes look like X's or plus signs. He is one of the few Tamagotchis that has a tail, and like other Tamagotchis featured on the Uratama and V4.5, he has the Ura blue outline.


He is always in a great hurry trying to be early to his meetings, but he often trips over his feet.

Official profiles
"This Tamagotchi is always getting his feet tangled. So, he always sets out for all his appointments at least an hour early, expecting the worst." - TamaTown (US)
"I'm always too flustered and I often get my feet intertwined..." - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022)

On Virtual Pets[]

Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi Plus[]

He is one of the male adult Tamagotchis found in the Ura Kuchi family. He evolves from either Kometchi or Boxertchi with high humor points.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5[]

On the V4, Tenpatchi is very similar to how he was on the Uratama. He is a male adult character found in the Ura Kuchi family and evolves from either Kometchi or Boxertchi with high humor points.


Modern Artwork[]

Trading Cards[]
