Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki
Tamagotchi Wiki

Tensaitchi (てんさいっち Tensaitchi) is a male Tamagotchi character that debuted on the Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus in Japan and on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 internationally.

Name Origin[]

Tensai means "genius".


Tensaitchi looks similar to Mametchi, except his skin is creamy white, and his "hat" is actually hair. He has large swirly glasses and a white lab coat, as well as black shoes.


Tensaitchi is the most intelligent Tamagotchi of all of the Mame Family. He is very proud of his unique hair style, which he regularly trims with perfection and preciseness. He also invented Tensaitchi Jr., a robot designed to assist him at the Mamemame Laboratory.

Official profiles
"Tensaitchi is proud of his seventy-three divisions that he divided by precise calculations." - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022)

On Virtual Pets[]

Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus[]

Tensaitchi is a special adult that evolves from Mametchi. The Mametchi must have at least 200 Intellectual Skill Points by graduation, take the Scientist job (the highest tier Intellectual job), and raise the Intellectual Points to 999 within three days.

Tamagotchi Connection Version 4[]

Tensaitchi is obtained by first raising a Mametchi, then raising the Intellectual Skill Points to 350 and a total of 450 points before the first matchmaker visit. He sleeps from 9 PM to 8 AM, his favorite food is Omelets and his least favorite food is Pineapples.


Tensaitchi is obtained on the Hexagontchi with perfect care on even-numbered Generations.

In the Anime[]

Tamagotchi: The Movie[]

Tensaitchi appears with Tensaitchi Jr at Mamemame Laboratory during the scene where scientists are discussing Tamagotchi Planet's cold. He can later be see as part of the Gotchi King's Birthday Parade, bouncing on giant space hoppers with Tensaitchi Jr and Ms. Perfect.

Let's Go! Tamagotchi[]

Tensaitchi appears in "Ms. Perfect's Birthday!", talking to Tensaitchi Jr at the Tamagotchi Department Store.

In the Games[]

Tamagotchi Party On![]

Tensaitchi is an NPC that can be found in Mame City on the board.

Tamagotchi Connection: Cornershop 3[]

Tensaitchi can appear as one of the customers in Tamagotchi Connection: Cornershop 3


Modern Artwork[]


Trading Cards[]
