Tsukkomitchi (つっこみっち) is a female adult Tamagotchi character from the Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 and Uratama.
Name Origin[]
Tsukkomi is a Japanese comedy role in Manzai, and it is similar to the the "straight man" routine in western media. Tsukkomi characters will berate the Boke characters, and usually smack them on the head as part of a slapstick routine, which may be why Tsukkomitchi has a large hand.
She is light pink with three red ribbons; one on her chest and two on her head. She has an orange beak and a curly tail. One of her hands is small and the other one is large with five fingers.
Tsukkomitchi likes to make people laugh but she isn't always successful. She is also very curious and tries to find out everything she can about others, probably so she can find out what they think is funny.
Official profiles |
"Even if the other person is not acting stupid, she tends to interject "Why are you doing this?!"" - Tamagotchi 25th Character Special book (JP, 2022) |
On Virtual Pets[]
Ura Jinsei Enjoy Tamagotchi[]
Tsukkomitchi is an adult in the Ura Mame group, evolving from Zouritchi and Ura Young Marotchi if Gorgeous is their highest guts/skill.
Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5[]
Tsukkomitchi is an adult in the Ura Mame group, obtainable from Zouritchi or Ura Young Marotchi with high Gorgeous points, but she can also be obtained from other Ura teens with highest Gorgeous and a closely-high Funny point total.
Trading Cards[]
- Ura Debatchi's profile mentions that she is competing with Tsukkomitchi to be funnier than her.